20. Someone's Waiting

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"There there, Lex..." Jaden whispered, patting his wife's back.

" I-" the blonde was interrupted when she barfed inside the toilet, which was normal for a pregnant woman.

That's right, Alexis was indeed pregnant.

As the days passed by, Jaden made sure to be extra protective and attentive towards his wife, considering that she'll need it for the nine months. While Alexis kept reassuring him that she could handle things, Jaden refused to allow her to do anything on her own, it was like Alexis couldn't even move a finger without him around.

While Jaden wanted to help his wife, he knew Alexis had... raging mood swings. To snapping at him, to wanting affection, and to crying... Alexis was a whirlwind of emotions.

She also started to have weird cravings such as pickles with ice cream or peanut butter in a grilled cheese sandwich. Her appetite increased, eating almost as much as Jaden on a regular basis.

However as Jaden found his sleeping wife on the couch... he couldn't help but smile at the beauty. Although he could understand the pains and hardships of being pregnant, however that made her more beautiful to him. He knew Alexis was such a strong willed woman who could get through this pregnancy.

The brown haired man carefully placed a hand on her pregnant tummy. Feeling this made Jaden feel excited and proud, yet fear about evil in the world that could potentially come after his son or daughter.

He planted a small kiss on Alexis' tummy before whispering. "I can't wait to hold you someday..." He whispered. "Me and your mom... we already love you very much... just be safe... and make sure not to give your mom a hard time." He joked at the last part before patting the tummy lightly.

Jaden felt tiny baby kicks, which made Alexis open her eyes, without Jaden realizing. The man chuckled, anticipating for the day he'd become a father.


"Oh, hey Lex. What's up?" Jaden asked. "Did I wake you?"

"No... but who were you talking to?" The blonde asked.

Jaden gave his trademark goofy smile before replying with these words...

"Our pride and joy of course..."

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