27. Someone's Joy

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Jaden slowly unlocked the front door after arriving home from work. The man felt like a million bucks as he felt happy to come home to his beautiful wife and their pride and joy of a son.

"Hey I'm home!" He called out with glee.

"Dadda!" Little Tidus quickly ran up to his father, jumping into his arms as Jaden caught him.

"How are ya, sport? Wow, you're getting bigger each day!" The brown haired man said before tossing his son up in the air and catching him. "Now where's your mom?"

"Jaden, you're home early!" Said Alexis after quickly approaching her husband for an embrace. Jaden hugged his wife, feeling warmth in her love.

"Just one of those days..." He said. "So since i have the day off, I'm gonna take a n-"

Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Hold that thought." Alexis interrupted before opening the door.

There stood Atticus holding a present while Mindy and Jasmine were by his side. Alexis was quite surprised that the three showed up today, considering they'd usually let her know.

"Dammit..." Jaden thought.

"Hey sis, where's my little nephew at?!" Atticus asked with a smile.

"Hey Alexis!" Mindy cheered.

"Atticus drove us here so we could spend time with his cutie nephew!" Jasmine added.

"...Well this is a surprise." The blonde commented. "Anyways come in, you three!"

The three entered while Jaden slightly glared at his brother-in-law and wife's friends for interrupting the day. Normally he liked their company but he just wanted a quiet, peaceful day what more could he have asked for?

"Jay, what's up, man?" Atticus asked.

"Oh... you know the usu-"

"Uncle Atti!" Tidus cheered.

Atticus smiled wider. "And there's my little ladykiller! Got ya something, buddy!" He replied, holding a large red box that was nearly wrapped. Tidus cheered and laughed, wanting to open that single present that his uncle got.

"So hey, can we hold your little guy?" Mindy gushed. "He's so cute!"

"Sure, but wash your hands first." Alexis advised.

"Yeah, for Ra sakes, who knows where your hands have been..." Jaden grumbled to himself, fortunately no one heard that. Alexis could sense her husband's change of mood and approached him while Tidus was being gushed over his uncle and 'honorary aunts'.

She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Something wrong, Jay?" She asked.

"Eh, day's ruined. No biggie." Jaden replied.

Alexis sighed then gave a small smile. "Look... it doesn't have to be ruined... could be a change of pace. Besides, what were you planning anyway?"

"...Well, I was going to take a nap- I mean, take Tidus and you to the park!" Jaden replied sheepishly. Alexis then placed her hands on her hips giving a playful smirk to her grumpy husband.

"Fine maybe I have been a bit grumpy..." He admitted. "I just wanted the rest of the day off from work."

"And you will get that in due time." The blonde woman reassured.



"Well, you've never been known for breaking promises... alright, let's do this!" Jaden replied.

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