34. Someone's Grades

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"Tidus, what's this?" Alexis asked.

Tidus bowed his head in shame while his mother held up a failed math test in her hand. Jaden casually watched the two from behind, somehow thinking it'd be wise to not get involved when Alexis was mad. Oh especially when Alexis was mad. Tidus however tried to hope that he'd still be alive before the day ends.

"Uh... my... test." the son replied.

"Tidus, you told me you studied!" Alexis recalled.

"I did, mom! It just... sorta got away from me..." Tidus replied, sweating and adjusting his collar nervously. "You're not... mad are you?"

Alexis shook her head and kneeled to her son's level. "No, but I am disappointed. You had all week to study for the test." She replied, letting out a sigh. "I know you like watching TV and playing games like many kids do, but your grades have to be a priority. Do you understand, dear?" She asked. "You're a very smart boy and you know this."

Tidus nodded his head innocently which made Alexis give a small smile. "Perfect, because I know you know this material! However if you slip up then I'll have to start punishing you." She warned.

"W-What kind of punishment?" Tidus stuttered as his mother stood up.

"Hmmm... no desserts after dinner for one whole week." Alexis suggested.

"T-That's not a big deal..." said Tidus.

Jaden arched an eyebrow. 'Geez son, you're only making it worse for yourself!' He scolded mentally.

Alexis nodded, crossing her arms slyly. "Hmm... you're right. Then no fried shrimp for two weeks."

"WHAT?!" Both Jaden and Tidus screamed.

Alexis turned around to face her husband. "Jade-"

"A-Alexis, don't you think that's a little harsh." Jaden replied as a drop of sweat ran on his cheek. "I mean... two weeks without fried shrimp..."

Alexis arched an eyebrow. "Then what would you suggest?"

Jaden gulped, seeing the suspicious face his wife had. "Well... how about a week instead like you originally said? That way, he'll still get his punishment."

Tidus smiled at Jaden while Alexis wasn't looking. Something inside told the boy that his father would have his back, even if it came to facing a woman every man feared: his wife. 'Thanks dad.' He mouthed.

'No problem.' He mouthed backed when Alexis focused her attention on Tidus. As soon as Alexis looked at Tidus, the boys face sent from relief to alert as if he were in the army.

"I guess that'll be fine... but I'm going to go over the problems you missed with you." Alexis confirmed. "Now go sit at the table, dinner will be ready soon."

Tidus nodded his head. "Thanks, mom!" He replied before running over to the dinner table.

"I'm going to go sit at the table with him, Lex." said Jaden.

"Alright, I'll be there in five minutes." Alexis replied, giving a soft smile. Jaden headed to the dining room and sat with Tidus, who was anxiously waiting for the food.

"So son, do you feel like you could've done better with the test?" Jaden asked.

Tidus shrugged. "I guess so, dad... but why does mom care so much about these grades?" He asked.

The father only smiled. "Your mom just wants the best for you, Tidus. To tell you the truth, my grades were pretty low." He said with a chuckle, this actually surprised Tidus... his father was the best Duel Academy has ever witnessed. "But you, son? You're actually pretty smart... my point is to listen to your mother and do well in school, listen to her advice and study."

Tidus nodded before the two guys looked over and saw Alexis in complete shocked, her rather large hazel eyes widened like a couple of saucers.

"J-Jaden... are you alright?" Alexis asked. Before Jaden could answer, Alexis placed a hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. "You feel normal..."

"W-What? Lex, why wouldn't I be okay?" Jaden asked.

"Yeah, mom? What's wrong with dad?" Tidus also asked.

"I-I... just never thought you'd tell our son to study... for anything honestly!" Alexis replied, with a bright, excited smile on her face. Both Jaden and Tidus began to laugh, before Alexis joined in with them as well.

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