15. Someone With No Regrets

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It was another beautiful day at Domino City, while the children were out enjoying recess, Alexis was in the teacher's lounge enjoying a quiet lunch. The blonde woman was a teacher at Duel Academy in the Domino City branch and she continued to enjoy every moment of it.

While drinking some juice, a woman with jet black hair in a bob cut ran into the room crying. Alexis placed her juice down and watched the woman run towards her.


"Oh Alexis it's not fair! I swear all men are jerks!" Her co worker ranted.

Alexis stood up and hugged the crying woman. "Shh... calm down... what happened?"

Patty Brunston, one of the teachers, sniffled. "I got into a fight with my boyfriend last night!"

Alexis nodded. "I'm so sorry... would you like to talk about it?" She asked.

Patty shook her head. "Just the thought of it makes me upset!" She yelled. "If I'm such a pain, then why did he change his playboy ways to be with me?!"

Alexis continued to comfort her co worker, however that sentence made her think about a question that she would definitely asked her husband after work...

Later on, both Jaden and Alexis laid in bed. Jaden was reading a comic while Alexis laid there quiet and focused, making Jaden concerned.

"Everything okay, Lex?" He asked. "You're usually not this quiet."

Alexis faced her husband. "Well... I was just thinking..." She started. "What made you want to come back after all your travels? To me especially."

Jaden placed his comic down and gave it thought. To him, it was actually a pretty interesting story. A time he remembered very well, when he got wonderful advice from someone very unexpected.

Years ago, he traveled across the world back to Domino City late at night. Jaden was running as he chased his partner Winged Kuriboh, who wanted to guide him somewhere. The winged furball chirped, telling his friend to run faster.

"Come on, Kuriboh! Tell me what you wanted to show me!" the brown haired man exclaimed.


He flew faster, causing Jaden to run faster as well. Sure it was exhausting, but being athletic, Jaden could keep up.

Winged Kuriboh then stopped at the Kame Game shop, where a middle aged man with a black goatee stood outside, smoking a cigar.

The man gave a smile. He had spiky jet black hair with maroon highlights and blonde bangs. The man also had deep purple eyes that looked mysterious yet strangely warm.

"I see my friend here brought you to see me." The older man commented.

Jaden felt his mouth getting dry. Standing in front of him was someone he hasn't seen in years... Yugi Moto, the current owner of the Kame Shop and the King of Games.


Yugi approached him with Winged Kuriboh above. He gave a confident smile and held out his hand. "Good to see you again."

Jaden blinked but then smiled and gave his idol a confident handshake. "Same to you." He replied.

"Kuri! Kuri Kuri!" Cheered Winged Kuriboh. Yugi smiled and nodded. "I see... Jaden, is it true that you're done with your travels?"

Jaden nodded and yawned. "Think I may retire." He said. "...well that made me sound old."

Yugi nodded and offered a cigar, in which Jaden declined. The king of games then put his box into his pocket before looking at the sky.

"And I'm sure your dad wants you to get accustomed to his job." The spiky haired man commented.

Jaden nervously rubbed the back of his head. "Ahaha... well yeah, he does want me to get a 'real job'." He commented. "But I guess he's right... kinda."

Yugi looked over at the brown haired man. "Not to change the subject... but do you have plans for the future since you're done traveling?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, like a wife and children." The spiky haired man replied.

Jaden blushed lightly. "A-A wife?" He stuttered. "W-Well... isn't that a little soon? I'm only 25, you know! I don't... think I could imagine g-getting married and-"

Jaden blushed deeper thinking about one certain girl. Alexis Rhodes was one girl he never stopped thinking about, it was actually a record for him, considering he never had feelings for a girl before. It wasn't idolization, it felt like a pure rush of admiration.

Yugi stopped chuckling and looked at the sky. "Jaden... I want you to know something. It's something I've discovered through experience... not only as a Duelist, but as a husband, father, ...as a man." He started. "Whatever you do... don't ever go around life full of regrets."

Jaden's eyes perked in curiosity, while this wasn't duel or food related... he found it interesting.


"I can tell there's things in life you still need to settle down on..." Yugi gave the man a smile. "All I can say is just follow your heart... it'll never steer you wrong."

As cheesy as it sounded, Jaden took the advice to heart. It was like a new door was opening up... and the brown haired man knew that life wasn't over... in fact, it only just begun.

Jaden gave his idol his trademark thumbs up and a wink. "Right! I... I'll remember it! Thanks, Yugi!" He praised.

Yugi only returned the thumbs up and wink, affirming his reply. "Now... would you like to stay here for the night? It's getting late."

"You really would let me stay for the night?" Jaden asked, touched by kindness. Yugi only nodded.

"Of course, you can take my son's room. He's over at a sleepover." Yugi replied.

"Sweet!" Jaden cheered, feeling ecstatic that he had a place to stay for the night. "I get to chill at your game shop!"

"Just don't wake up the misses." Yugi warned playfully. "She's teaching a dance class in the morning and hates when people interrupt her sleep."

"Don't worry, wouldn't dream of it." Jaden whispered, before the two men entered the shop...

"Jaden?!" Alexis called out at the end of his thoughts. The brown haired man quickly snapped back into reality and faced his wife, with his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"Did you hear my question?" she asked.

"Because life would be no fun if I lived with regrets..." Jaden admitted, stroking her hair, giving his roguish smile.

Alexis blushed lightly, giving a smile before Jaden continued.

"I regretted being gone for so long... I regretted not saying goodbye before leaving... but when it comes to marrying the woman I love and admitting my feelings... well what can I say? There's nothing I could ever regret about that..." he ended before kissing her lips, allowing her to return the love passionately.

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