42. Someone Gets Kisses

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Jaden yawned as he lazily entered the living room, holding Amy in his arms. Alexis was grocery shopping, leaving the brown haired man alone with the children. While Jaden didn't know much about raising children, he knew how to keep them occupied long enough.

The blonde haired baby girl stared at her father with her large, hazel eyes before cracking a giggle.

Jaden chuckled "Well hey there, sunshine. What should we do today?" he asked. He carefully tossed Amy up and down, making his daughter squee for joy.

"Annnnnnnd UP! And down!" Jaden repeated, making the baby laugh as she was tossed a short distance.

After a minute or two, Jaden decided to stop tossing the baby and held her in front of his face. To think she was a part of him really surprised the brown haired man. The fact that she was a total daddy's girl made it even better.

"See, you can fly, Amy!" he joked, continuing to toss her carefully.

Amy decided to have other plans as she reached out and grabbed her father's face, giving him 'kisses' all over his face.

Jaden chuckled as he wiped his face of saliva before kissing his daughter's cheek. "I love you too, Amy."

Suddenly Tidus came home and placed his backpack at the front door. He yawned before making his way to the living room.

"Hey Tidus, how was school?" Jaden asked.

"Boring like always." the son complained. "I'm surprised you're at home."

Jaden only shrugged. "Can't a guy change his routine? Anyways, come say hi to your sister."

"Tidus! K-kisses!" Amy called out, trying to reach for her brother. Tidus walked over to the toddler, holding her before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Amy giggled, which made Tidus smile and blush a little. "Well isn't she cute?" Jaden asked.

Tidus sheepishly nodded. "Yeah... she really is... I guess..." he replied.

"So, does mommy get a kiss too?" asked a voice.


The blonde woman smiled as she approached her family, placing down a couple of grocery bags. "I didn't even hear you come in." said Jaden.

"I came in from the garage." she replied. "So how about it, Tidus?"

"'M-Mom!" Tidus stuttered, blushing lightly. "Fine..."

Tidus then kissed his mother's cheek before she returned the favor. Then she reached over to Amy, kissing her all over her cheeks. "And here's some for my little one." Alexis added, making Amy giggle and squirm through her kisses.

Jaden gave a smirk. "So... no kisses for Mr. Dad?" he asked.

Alexis returned the smirk as she placed her hands on her hips. "Hmmm... I don't know... I mean... I may be all out of kisses." she joked.

"What? No fair!" he pouted. Jaden then stood up, still holding the baby. "Well in that case... I'll kiss YOU!" he replied before swiftly wrapping his free hand around her waist, watching her giggle from his tiny, ticklish kisses. This playful kiss fest lasted for about a minute until they both kissed each other passionately on the lips.

"Blah, I'm going to my room!" said Tidus as he saw his folks kiss. Jaden and Alexis turned to their son and laughed as he pretended to gag.

Amy then started to whimper, which got the attention from her parents. The couple both chuckled and smiled at their beautiful little girl.

"And you get another kiss too!" they both said in unison, both kissing their daughter's cheeks, bringing a smile upon her face.

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