11. Someone's Scene

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Every weekend, both Jaden and Alexis make time to spend a late night watching a movie together. This not only gave the couple time to cuddle up against each other, but to enjoy watching the same film together, whether it was good or terrible.

However Alexis had a... tendency to express her opinion during the movie, not that Jaden hated it, he actually found it pretty funny and cute. The blonde woman can go on about whatever she wanted about the movie. Although she only really does it when Jaden's the only one around. Sometimes not even she realizes her ramblings.

For example, the two started to watch a comedy movie. Jaden mostly ate popcorn while Alexis looked rather bored.

"You know... it's like movies are all over the place with jokes these days." Alexis commented. "They used to be innocent... and subtle with humor when we were teenagers."

Jaden swallowed some popcorn. "Mm, you think so?"

"Oh I know so!" The blonde woman replied.

'...Wonder if I should've added more butter to the popcorn.' The brown haired man wondered, clearly less interested in the movie.

She was also the same with romance movies...

"How could she go back to him after he killed her brother?!" Alexis complained. "Sure the other guy isn't as rich and famous but he treated her with dignity! How stupid!"

'Wonder if I should've put more salt on the popcorn...' Jaden wondered.

One of the most outspoken times however... was when they watched horror movies. Young teenagers completely dense in their decision making, it really made the blonde's blood boil sometimes.

"No! Don't go in there!" Alexis yelled at the screen, completely annoyed at how foolish those teenagers were.

"You realize they can't hear you, right Lex?" Jaden asked before eating some popcorn.

"I know. I know, but still..." Alexis started. "They shouldn't even have snuck out to that party in the first place! Especially at an abandoned mansion!" she ranted.

Jaden nodded and then finished his popcorn. The brown haired man ran out of the buttery, salty snack, immediately regretting eating it so quickly.

'Well... at least the popcorn was perfect this time!' Jaden thought. 'I might need to make another bowl...'

Jaden stood up. "Hey Lex, I'm gonna make some more popcorn." he explained.

"Yeah, yeah, hurry! Damn... that girl is going to get her head sliced if she doesn't get out of there!" Alexis exclaimed. Jaden only shrugged and headed into the kitchen, she seemed way more interested in the movie rather than the popcorn.

Jaden decided to make the stove top popcorn, since he ran out of the microwavable ones. He kept a close eye on the cooking snack, hoping he wouldn't burn it. Just as he was about to finish cooking the popcorn, he heard Alexis' loud, scream from the living room.

Jaden's eyes widened like saucers, being the protective husband that he was, he stopped what he was doing and ran into the living room immediately. "Alexis! Alexis, are you okay?!" he called out.

The brown haired man saw the blonde woman shivering on the couch with the blankets clutched close to her. Jaden figured she must've been frightened by one of the scenes, judging that a girl's head was chopped off in the movie. He could only chuckle at her reaction, making her pout displeasing.

"That's not funny..." she pouted.

Jaden sat down next to her, before wrapping his arms around her to pull his wife in a comforting hug. He started to stroke her hair with his fingertips while she rested on his chest.

"Jump scare?" he asked.

Alexis only nodded.

He smiled at her and kissed the top of her forehead. "You know it's not real, right?" he asked.

"I know that, silly!" Alexis defended the obvious. "But still..."

"I understand." said her husband, understanding her fear. "...Think you'll need a bodyguard tonight?" he asked.

"That would be very much appreciated." Alexis replied with a smile.

Jaden gave her a wink and continued to hold his wife in his arms, throughout the movie. While there were still scenes that frightened Alexis, she always had the reassurance that Jaden was right here with her, not allowing anything bad to happen to her. The couple continued to watch the movie before falling asleep on the couch, while Jaden held her in his arms...

Meanwhile, Jaden's popcorn continued to burn in the kitchen, without them even realizing it, but it certainly didn't matter to the loving couple...

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