31. Someone's Getting a Pack of Love

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It was a school day and poor Tidus already wanted to go home. He missed his parents and didn't really make any friends. This situation was intimidating for him. Tidus, being a shy type, just felt like he wasn't comfortable.

The day soon ended and the students waited with the teacher for the parents to pick them up. Tidus only watched the kids play with each other while he stood there tired.

'School really stinks...' He thought.

Suddenly Tidus saw a red car which belonged to his family, but instead of his mother, there was Jaden at the driver's seat.

The brown haired man let his window down and smiled. "Guessing you need a lift."

Tidus nodded and went inside the car. "What are you doing here? Didn't mom say she'd pick me up?"

Jaden chuckled as he started to drive. "Well, I decided to do that instead. Is that fine with ya?"

Tidus shrugged slightly. "Well... thanks dad. I guess now I can finally get home."

"Who said we were going home?"


Instead of taking the route home, Jaden drove further into Domino City. Tidus' curiosity sparked, wondering what was his dad up to? Was he about to get them ice cream? Were they about to see a movie?

Of course, all Jaden said was 'it's a surprise', making Tidus even more anxious.

However the father then stopped at their destination, a small game shop in Domino. It wasn't much, but it was known to be a very friendly and family oriented shop.

"No way..." Tidus gasped, recognizing the place. "Is this the Kame Game shop?! Yugi's grandpa lives here! Does that mean Yugi's here?!"

Jaden got out the car with Tidus behind him. "Well, son... his grandpa passed away two years ago." He explained. "On the bright side, it's actually Yugi's family who runs the store. So I'm sure you'll get to meet them."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Tidus smiled and headed in with his father. As soon as they entered, the tiny bell rang and there was a man with black, blonde and magenta hair, a fair complexion, and had rather large blue eyes behind the counter. He wasn't Yugi, but he bared a huge resemblance to the King of Games yet looked slightly younger than Yugi or even Jaden.

"Jaden! How've you been?!" Asked the man.

Jaden approached the man, giving a high five. "It's been awhile, Solomon." He commented. Solomon Gardner- Motou was the son of Yugi Motou and professional dancer/teacher Tea Gardner. He was named after his great grandfather and was now the assistant owner of the Kame shop behind his father, however someday Solomon planned to take over.

Tidus tugged on Jaden's jacket. "Who's that?"

Jaden smiled and picked him up. "This is Yugi's son, Tidus. I've known him since I was younger."

Solomon shook his small hand. "You must be Tidus. You really do look like your old man! Hair and everything." He said with a smile.

Tidus shyly shook his hand. "Yes sir." He replied politely.

"Is your pops here?" Jaden asked.

"Ah, he's in Egypt, he won't be back till next week." Solomon replied. "Is there something I could help you with?"

Jaden nodded. "Well, I'd like to get some card packets for my boy over here." Jaden replied.

Tidus' eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "You mean... I'm going to create a deck?!" He asked. "Oh thank you thank you thank you, pops! I'll make you proud!"

"You've already made me proud." Jaden replied.

Solomon took out a case of card packets. "Pick whichever ones you like." He presented.

Tidus carefully checked out all the cool looking packs with art on them. He was amazed, yet overwhelmed on what cards to pick out. Jaden gave him a smile and Tidus felt more confident, which made him select some packets with a picture of hero type monsters on the cover, something similar to his father's.

"How many can I get, dad?" Asked Tidus.

"As many as you want." Replied Jaden. "This is a gift from me, just telling how proud I am of you. I know school isn't the best right now, but it won't last forever." He explained. "In the meantime, I know you wanted to create a deck."

Tidus grabbed many more packs before handing them to Solomon. "I'll take these, sir."

Solomon chuckled. "Good choice, little man." He replied before adding up the total. Jaden paid the man before heading out with Tidus.

"Guess I'll see you soon." Said Jaden.

"See ya later, Mr. Solomon!" Cheered Tidus.

Solomon gave a smile. "Come back anytime, my friends." He replied, watching the father and son head out.

"So Tidus, what kind of cards do you have?" Jaden asked.

"I got a lot of warriors, dad! And they all look super cool! I'm gonna make the best deck ever! Then I'll duel mom, you, grandpa... maybe I can even surpass Yugi!" Said the younger son.

Jaden smiled at his son's beaming confidence and dreams. It was nice to see him smiling. "How about we get started on your deck first. I'll help you with it when we get home." Said the father.

Meanwhile at the Kame Shop, a middle aged woman with short brunette hair tied back walked to the counter. "Was that Jaden I just heard?" She asked.

Solomon nodded. "Yeah, mom. He brought his son. Cute kid too and hey I sold more packs today!"

The woman embraced her son tightly. "I'm so proud of you!" She cheered.

"Ack! Mom! I can't breathe!"

"Now you know how I felt giving birth." She replied, patting his head with a smirk.


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