23. Our Baby, Our Love

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"J-Jaden, the baby's coming!" Screamed Alexis.

Panic, fear, yet determination filled his lungs. Excitement was reaching its limits as Jaden helped his wife to the hospital by car. It seemed like time flew by quickly during Alexis' nine month experience of being pregnant.

Nurses, Doctors, all did whatever they can to comfort the blonde woman. Jaden made sure to stay right by her side, as he held her hand tightly, promising never to leave her.

After screaming, pain, and hard labor the blonde haired woman was holding a small baby with light tanned skin and a patch of dirty blonde hair in her arms. A smile graced her lips as she watched the sleeping bundle in her arms.

"He's so beautiful..." She whispered.

Jaden kissed his wife's forehead. "He sure is... I'm proud of you, Lex."

"I couldn't have done it without your support, you know." She replied. "To think... we're parents now... he looks so much like you too..."

"But he has your beautiful blonde hair..." Jaden whispered, kissing her forehead. Seeing his pride and joy couldn't be expressed with words.

"Would you like to hold him...?" Alexis asked, being that Jaden is the father.

Jaden nodded and carefully held the young baby boy. Winged Kuriboh, Yubel and Neos appeared behind the new father, feeling happy and in awe about the baby. Yubel especially felt an attachment to the baby and wanted to do everything in her power to keep him safe.

"Welcome to the family, Tidus..." Jaden whispered as the baby boy opened his hazel eyes, like his beautiful mother. Eyes that Jaden found beautiful... the windows to her soul. "We are still naming him that, right?"

Alexis only gave a nod in approval as she smiled at the father and son.

"Of course... our little Tidus... welcome to the family..." She whispered.

As the days passed, the couple both were getting accustomed to parenting a new baby. While it had its obvious joys, it wasn't easy. The baby would sometimes keep the parents up all night by crying and whining.

Alexis was an attentive mother, however at times her body felt weak yet her spirit was as strong as ever. Since she decided to stay home for the baby, her husband Jaden returns home every night after providing for the both of them.

Jaden walked into the living room, seeing a tired Alexis holding their sleeping baby. He smiled sadly, feeling bad for her as he approached her.

"How's my beautiful wife?" He whispered, kissing her cheek.

"I finally got him to sleep... although I don't know how long it will be until he wakes up." Alexis replied truthfully.

"Here, you rest. I'll hold him." Jaden suggested.

"But Jaden, you just got home from work."

"Lex, don't worry. Besides he's our baby, so I should be able to help." Jaden replied. "Besides, you just gave birth days ago. You heard the doctor, you need rest."

Alexis sighed softly. "Alright... but if there's anything he needs, don't hesitate to call me."

"Just leave it to me." He replied. His wife kissed him gently on the lips before handing Tidus over to Jaden. The brown haired man carefully held his son in his arms, already feeling this new adjustment of being a father... and it felt amazing.

Winged Kuriboh chirped softly as he watched over the child.

"I know... I never thought I'd become a dad..." Jaden whispered to his partner. The baby sneezed softly, making him wiggle his little nose. Jaden couldn't help but see it as adorable. That baby was too precious to let out the couple's sight.

Jaden laid down on the couch, with Tidus on his chest sleeping soundly. He rubbed his back gently, smiling at his newborn son. Before he knew it, Jaden slowly closed his eyes... falling asleep with his son on his chest.

Later on, Alexis went into the living room to see how her husband was doing. She figured Jaden must've put Tidus in his crib by now.

However she saw the touching display of Tidus snuggling up against his dear old man. The blonde woman smiled warmly before secretly capturing a moment on camera.

"This is for the wall..." She whispered, knowing exactly where that picture was going to be.

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