21. Someone's Pregnant

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Today Alexis was celebrating her baby shower with Mindy, Jasmine, Blair, and even some female coworkers from her job. Her living room was decorated with a blue theme, symbolizing that the baby's gender was going to be a boy. Snacks and drinks were served to the guests and presents were stacked over at a large white table.

"To Alexis and her baby!" Cheered Mindy, before raising her glass for the toast with a group of women.

Alexis smiled, raising her glass. "To the baby!"

The girls performed a toast before drinking from their champagne glasses. However Alexis had a glass of apple juice due to being pregnant with her baby.

The blonde haired woman wore a long, baby blue gown that showed her rather large baby bump. She also wore her hair in a high ponytail and wore faint, pink lipgloss.

"I gotta say, Lex. I'm surprised you're having a baby." Jasmine commented. "I mean, I'm sure your life is going to change a lot."

Alexis placed a hand on her bump. "Of course I know that, Jas. I wouldn't even consider this if I didn't think I was ready."

"Besides Jas, we'll be honorary aunties!" Mindy cheered. "And once I marry Atticus... I'll be an official aunt!" she sighed dreamily.

"Not if I have anything to say about that!" Jasmine scolded.

"Oh brother..." Alexis deadpanned. With the way Atticus acted, there was no way he was thinking about settling down.

"With the way you two hang out, the boys might think you're lesbians." Blair commented, making the two women blush deeply while Alexis giggled.

"I do not like girls!" Mindy and Jasmine yelled in unison.

Alexis arched an eyebrow. "I don't know, girls. Back when we used to take baths together at Duel Academy-"

"Alexis!" Mindy and Jasmine panicked.

"Well enough with those two." Blair started. "Alexis, you never told us how Jaden reacted to when you told him about the pregnancy. Or even how did you tell him?"

Alexis blushed lightly, recalling that day. She could remember it like it was yesterday, although she wasn't expecting to tell him like this.

"Well Blair... me and Jaden were staying at my parents' house for the time being..." the blonde woman explained.


"Are you sure you don't need anything, dear?" A brown haired woman asked as she watched her daughter stare at her reflection in the bathroom.

Alexis shook her head. "Thanks mom, but I'll be fine." She replied.

"Want me to tell him?" Asked Mrs. Rhodes.

"No, mom. I'm his wife, so I should be the one to break the news." Alexis explained.

Mrs. Rhodes nodded and smiled. "Understood, dear. Let me know if you need anything." She said before leaving the bathroom.

Alexis looked back at her reflection in the mirror. She took a deep breath, hoping for the very best outcome. She started to figure out ways to tell Jaden about her bun in the oven.

'Maybe I could get a cake for him and the frosting could say 'I'm pregnant!'.' Alexis thought. "...Nonono, that's a bit much even though I'm sure Jay won't mind..."

"You know what? I'm just going to tell him." Alexis decided, trying to give herself a pep talk. "Just be blunt about it. Just say the thing that's on my mind! I mean he's my husband, so why should I be nervous?! He even said he wanted a baby! So why am I freaking out?!"

She took a deep breath. "So how should I approach him... Jaden... I have some important news... I'm having a baby... no that's too formal. It should sound exciting..."

Alexis shook her head. "Nope, I'm just going to say it..."

Suddenly Jaden, who was in a black muscle shirt and jeans, walked into the bathroom. "Hey, Lex. Have you seen my-"

The blonde turned around "JADEN, I'M PREGNANT!" She announced in panic.


Alexis looked stunned, as Jaden stood there shocked with no words coming out of his mouth. Alexis' eyes widened, hoping for the best as she wondered what her husband could be thinking about...


Jaden then got on his knees and palms and looked at the ground, as if he was defeated. Alexis approached him and kneeled down to see Jaden's face... who was actually crying.

"Jaden... you're crying..." She whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Jaden looked at his wife with tears flowing from his eyes yet he had a joyful smile on his face. "Oh Lex, I'm just excited... that means I'm going to be a father! This is bigger news to me since the all you can eat shrimp deal!"

Alexis giggled. "So... you're not mad?"

"Why would I be about our pride and joy?" Asked Jaden as he stood up before helping his wife. "Besides I love kids! You know, people say I'm a kid at heart."

"I can tell." Said Alexis as the couple embraced. She was glad that Jaden took the news quite well. She even started to imagine a family with her dearly beloved husband. This was something she thought about once in awhile... to have a beautiful family...

"Yeah..." He whispered, stroking his wife's blonde hair. "And we'll name him Jaden Jr, right?"

Alexis pulled away immediately. "Whoa slow down, 'dad'! We are not naming him Jr!" She scolded playfully.

Jaden smirked. "I don't know, Lex. You may change your mind."

"Is that a challenge?" Alexis asked. "Besides, what if we have a girl instead?"

Jaden pulled her into a soft, sweet kiss, catching her off guard. Alexis, feeling weak against the kiss, returned it. It was a rather simple kiss, much appropriate for sweet, playful times like that.

"Then we'll call her... Jayden, 'mom'..." Jaden whispered seductively, making Alexis roll her eyes playfully before interrupting him with a kiss.

"...Or, we could think of something together." Jaden finished, as if that kiss brainwashed him.

"That's what I thought." Alexis commented proudly before leaving her husband's arms.

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