28. Something Tense

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"Did you drop Tidus off at your parents place?" Alexis asked on the phone as she paced the living room floor.

"Of course, babe." Jaden replied. "Mom was excited to see him. Hopefully she'll let us have him back at the end of the week." He joked.

Alexis smirked playfully. "Well at least that turned out well. Anyways... I hope you have a good day at work."

"Thank you, Alexis..." Jaden replied lovingly. "I hope your day turns out sweet!"

"Well thank you, my working man. I'll let you get back to work." Said Alexis. "Love you."

"I love you too." Said Jaden before hanging up.

The blonde woman hung up before sitting on the couch, now that the baby was at his grandparents and Jaden was at work, Alexis wondered what she should do today.

"Maybe I'll surprise him at the office!" Said Alexis. "Yeah that's it. I'll bring him his favorite lunch on the way."

When it was close to lunchtime, Alexis slipped into something stylish and put on a light coat of lip gloss. She then headed to the car and placed up fried shrimp with rice at Jaden's favorite local restaurant.

She then found the main Kaiba Corp building, where Jaden worked at under his father's lead. It still shocked Alexis, in a good way, that Jaden was from the family who owned Duel Academy. She was still however quite grateful that she got the opportunity to teach at the new Duel Academy in Domino, before she had Tidus.

The blonde parked her car before carting the food inside the building. Fortunately she was able to get passed the secretary, due to being recognized as Jaden's wife.

"I still never would've thought Jaden would work here..." Alexis thought, seeing at how techy the place was.

Alexis, who remembered where her husband's office was, headed there with ease. However before knocking, the blonde heard a man's grunting and a female moan coming from the other side of the door.

The blonde woman's eyes widened, getting a very bad implication about what could be going on. Alexis immediately let herself in, almost bursting through, only to have her heart sunk low.

There was Jaden... being pressed on the wall by some woman... as she had her lips on his...

To be continued...

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