22. Someone's Name

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"Those idiots... they've been at it for fifteen minutes now..." Yubel scoffed as she watched her partner and his wife argue in the living room.

Both Jaden and Alexis looked as if they were in a heated argument and it wasn't going to end anytime soon. The argument was so heated, it looked as if they were barking at each other like dogs in Yubel's mind.

"So they're fighting all because they can't agree on a name..." Yubel deadpanned. "How long do I have to sit here? How long must they fight? And would I have to stop it?"

Normally if the couple were to argue, it would be over something stupid and then be done with it quickly like many couples. However this seemed to be a record as they never argued for this long.

Then Alexis pouted and turned away from her husband. Jaden mimicked his wife. The couple decided it would be best not to speak to one another for a while.

Yubel shook her head. "Just as I thought you two weren't going to stop." Yubel deadpanned.

"Hey I don't see what's wrong with naming my kid, Jaden Jr!" Jaden argued mentally. "And it's not like her choices were better..."

"Well it's true that a baby's name is a huge part of its identity..." The demon observed. "...Actually here's an idea."

"Well shoot. I'm desperate right now." Said Jaden, feeling slightly guilty as he looked back at his pouting wife.

"Invite your friends over, then have them write down names for the baby... they can put it in a box and draw out the name. Whichever you pick is the winner." Yubel suggested.

"...Hey, that's crazy enough to work." Jaden sparked.

"'Crazy' you say." Yubel deadpanned.

A week after the argument, all of the couple's closest friends were in the living room socializing. There was Mindy and Jasmine fangirling over the bachelor Atticus in one corner. Syrus, Hassleberry, and Chazz seemed to be arguing about something as Jesse watched them in amusement while Blair and Marcel, a now married couple, were having a conversation.

Both Jaden and Alexis walked in holding each other's hands, symbolizing that they were not fighting anymore. They were now at peace and having their closest friends there made things even more joyful.

"We just wanted to thank you all for coming." Jaden announced.

"And we all have your names you chose in that red box." Alexis commented. "So whichever we draw, is the name we're choosing."

"Bet mine's going to get picked." Chazz whispered smugly.

Alexis drew a piece of paper at random and decided to grab one from the center. She then pulled it out, hoping to see a good name.

"Ah, this one's from Chazz." Alexis said, making Chazz grin ear to ear. The raven haired man felt extremely determined and proud.

Alexis and Jaden read the name. "...You want us to name our son Chazz?" Jaden deadpanned.

"It's the best name there is!" Chazz bragged.

"Well we are not naming our baby after Chazz." Said Alexis, much to Jaden's relief.

"But Leeeeex!" He whined. Chazz felt defeated while Atticus, Hassleberry, and Syrus laughed at his misfortune and how quick they were to say no.

"It's me and Jaden's son, Chazz. Not yours." Said Alexis. "And don't call me Lex."

"Let's pick out another name, Lex." Jaden said with a smile.

Alexis returned a smile before reaching into the box, which revealed to be Jesse's suggestion.

"Here's Jesse's". Said Alexis.

"Who? Mine? Well look at this!" exclaimed Jesse, rubbing the back of his head. "Hope my name makes it."

Alexis opened the paper, which revealed his chosen name for the baby.

"Tidus..." The blonde whispered.

"It means 'the sun'" said Jesse as Ruby appeared on his shoulder. "I heard the name from one of my travels in America."

"Well I like it!" Jaden replied as Winged Kuriboh appeared behind him.

Alexis nodded. "Me too... I think it's the perfect name for our little boy."

"...It was that easy?" Yubel deadpanned. Luckily for her, Jaden ignored that comment because he was too happy. They finally agreed on a name for a baby boy.

"Well... Tidus it is!" Jaden announced, everyone in the room all cheered except for Chazz, who still felt rejected about the name.

Later on, the couple relaxed on the couch watching one of Jaden's favorite shows. Jaden had his arm wrapped around his wife's shoulder while Alexis rested her head on his shoulder.

'Our own son... I can't believe it won't be long till I become a mother...' Alexis whispered mentally. 'A child with Jaden...'

'A little boy... a little boy named Tidus...' Jaden repeated in his mind, which put a smile on his face, knowing that the future was going to be amazing...

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