40. Sibling Jealousy

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Tidus grumbled under his breath, glaring and pouting at his now little sister Amy who was in her high chair giggling and bouncing about as she held her Kuriboh toy.

"Hmph... this isn't fair..." Tidus muttered quietly.

"What's not fair, dear?" Alexis asked, which made Tidus startled. He could swear his mother had some sort of super hearing sometimes. The blonde woman handed Tidus a cup of juice.

"Well... um nothing, mom!" he lied. Alexis gave Tidus a certain look, a look that told him that she knew he was lying so he might as well spill it. "Fine... it's just not fair that we have her here!" he exclaimed, pointing to Amy. "Couldn't we leave her with Uncle Atticus or grandma and grandpa?"

"Tidus! She's your baby sister." scolded Alexis. "Why wouldn't she live here? Do you not like her?"

Tidus crosses his arms. "She's too noisy and she always goes potty in her diaper!" he complained.

"Because she's a baby." Alexis finished, surprised at her son's mood. What could be causing him to act like this, was what she wondered. Of course siblings have their disagreements but Tidus seemed to dislike Amy from the start.

Perhaps it was jealousy, a new baby was now in their lives. Tidus was used to being the baby of the house and now there was a new member of the family.

"Tidus...? Are you jealous of Amy?" Alexis asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Tidus' eyes widened. "W-What no! Why would I be jealous of her?!" he defended. Just before Alexis was about to say something, Jaden walked into the room yawning as he did.

"Hey family..." he greeted, feeling tired from last night. "So, what's everyone up to?"

"Uh... I think Tidus wants us to get rid of Amy." Alexis replied.

Jaden turned to his boy, surprised that he felt that way. "Is that true, son?" he asked.

Tidus nodded slowly. "I don't understand why we need another baby! Can't we give her to someone else?" he complained.

Jaden then had an idea crept into his mind. He gave a playful smirk as he sat at the table next to Tidus. "Well... I guess we can give her away..." he replied.

"Jaden!" Alexis shouted.

Tidus smiled brightly at the news. "Really? You mean that, dad?"

Jaden sighed. "Sure... but I mean... Amy here won't have a big brother to look up to..." he replied sadly. "Especially when he becomes the best duelist in the world..."

"S-She won't?" Tidus asked.

Jaden shook his head. "Afraid not, champ. She can't brag about you to her friends someday... I mean... imagine your little sister bragging about how her big bro is the best duelist in the world. That sounds pretty good."

"Y-You have a point..." Tidus muttured.

Jaden smiled. "Plus... I bet you can teach her a thing or two about dueling. You've improved so much. I'm sure you'll be a master!"

The young boy sighed, clearly convinced, staring at his baby sister. He gave a small smile as Amy grabbed his finger. "I guess... she's kinda cute..." he said as he watched her giggle. "Yeah... I guess we can keep her..."

'That's not how it works, son...' Alexis thought as she giggled to herself.

Jaden smiled. "There you go! See? She loves you!" he praised. "Now, you better get ready for school."

Tidus nodded. "Right!" he agreed before looking at Amy. "And I'll tell you all about it later on!" he cheered before going upstairs to grab his bags.

As soon as he was out of the dining room, Alexis approached her husband. "Wow... Jaden..."

"Don't worry, Lex. Of course I wasn't serious about giving her-"

Alexis smiled. "I know... I'm just surprised that you convinced our son to get used to his sister."

Jaden chuckled. "Well... I may have stumbled on one of your parenting books."

Alexis arched an eyebrow. "Hmmmm...? You read a parenting book?" she playfully teased.

"H-Hey, I care about our kids!" he replied while picking up Amy from her chair. "By the way... how do you think Atticus was? You know since you were born."

Alexis gave it thought. "You know... now that I think about it... mom told me he fell in love when I was born. He had no problem with a new sister... and he wanted to teach me how to sing."

Jaden laughed. "Did that work out for him?"

Alexis smirked. "Nope."

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