24. Someone in the Sand

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It was a beautiful day as Jaden and his family decided to drive to the beach to enjoy a wonderful day off. The couple's son Tidus, was now a walking toddler who resembled his father but had his mother's hazel eyes and blonde hair color on the top of his head. Trying to adjust to life, the little boy hid behind his father's leg while looking at the ocean from the shore.

"Tidus, don't worry. You know your dad's got you." Said Jaden as he looked at his slightly frightened child. The two wore red matching swim trunks of different sizes of course. Jaden figured they might as well match clothing before Tidus gets to the age when he finds it embarrassing.

Tidus looked up at Jaden, who extended a hand towards him. Tidus smiled and took Jaden's hand, however Jaden lifted and held his son by surprise. Young Tidus giggled as Jaden chuckled, throwing him up in the air and catching him repeatedly.

Alexis meanwhile was resting on shore wearing a blue bikini, a cute floppy hat and sunglasses while reading a book. She looked at her boys, which made her smile at the two.

"I knew coming to the beach would be good for them..." She thought.

Jaden held Tidus slightly above the water. "Just move your arms and kick, don't worry, daddy's got you." He instructed.

The young toddler started move his arms and kick as if he was swimming while Jaden held him. Tidus giggled and laughed, pretending as he was skiing on air.

"Now you got it!" Jaden cheered. "It's like you're swimming! Although someday you won't need my help."

Much to Jaden's surprise, the child crawled up his arm and headed on top of his father's head. "Where did you..."

"Momma!" Tidus cried out happily. Alexis waved at her son and smiled warmly. Jaden saw this and then had an idea.

"Ah, I see. You just wanna see mommy." Jaden figured, removing Tidus off his head and into his arms. "Well I have an idea, why don't we get her a gift?"

Tidus only stared at his father in confusion.

"I mean, we should find the biggest seashell and give it to your mom." Said Jaden. "Here, let's find her a shell from the beach."

The two headed to the shore. Jaden placed his son on the ground so the young boy could find the biggest seashell that Alexis could love.

The baby's eyes widened when he saw a bright pink seashell that was in perfect shape. No scratches, no bruises, absolutely nothing. However it was a bit of a distance for a baby.

"What's wrong, Tidus?" Jaden asked.

Tidus only giggled and tried his best to run towards the shell. Jaden made sure to follow his child as Tidus led him the shell that was sitting perfectly on the beach.

"Dadda!" Tidus called out, pointing to the shell.

"Tidus, what's-... what the..."

Jaden's eyes widened at the shell, how had he not seen that before? It was the most beautiful shell he's ever seen and was even more impressed that his son found it before he did.

Jaden picked up the shell and his son. "You found that by yourself... Wow son, it's sweet! I'm sure your mom would love it!"

Tidus made cheerful noises as Jaden carried him close to the spot where Alexis was.

"Wanna walk over to your mom and give it to her yourself?" Jaden asked.

The baby only made noises to reply, which made Jaden smile. "Don't worry, she'll love it." He said, placing Tidus and the shell down.

Tidus held the shell then looked at his mother relaxing without a clue nor worry. The toddler carefully walked over to his mother holding a shell that was slightly heavy for him, however Jaden always knew he was a strong baby.

Alexis placed her book down as she saw Tidus walking over. "Tidus, what do you have there?" She asked playfully.

Tidus accidentally tripped onto the sand, but the shell plopped onto Alexis' lap. The mother was stunned at the shell's beauty while she picked up her son. "Wow..." She whispered.

"Tidus, is that for me?" She asked.

Tidus only chirped and smiled, which was his way of agreeing. Alexis then hugged her son in her arms. "I love it... thank you so much!" She cheered.

"M-Mommy..." Tidus said, snuggling against his dear mother. Jaden smiled from the sidelines, watching the mother and son hugging.

"Guess Lexy was right, this was a good idea..." Jaden wondered.

Alexis playfully smirked. "Did your father put you up to this?" She asked.

Tidus looked at his father for an answer. Jaden playfully shook his head no in which Tidus followed. Alexis giggled at the two and told Jaden to come over. The three had a group hug in their moment, feeling love from one another. Both Alexis and Jaden didn't regret becoming parents, no matter how tough it got, because they would always have these little moments with their child.

Alexis kissed Jaden's lips in which he returned. The two lasted for thirty seconds before kissing Tidus' forehead, making the toddler laugh. "And you get kisses too!" The couple said in unison.

"How about we build a sandcastle?" Jaden suggested.

Alexis looked at Tidus and they smiled in agreement before turning to Jaden. "Sounds like a plan." Alexis replied.

Jaden helped his wife up while she held her son, so that the family could enjoy building a sandcastle kingdom while enjoying a day at the beach with each other...

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