12. Something Seductive

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"So you're telling me that you didn't eat my rice balls, Jaden?" Alexis asked, with both hands on her hips. "Am I hearing it correctly?"

The brown haired man nodded quite nervously, not saying a word. Jaden had always had quite the appetite, especially when it come to some of his favorite foods. However sometimes the man was prone to eating things without consideration, even when it wasn't his food. He would always try to lie about it despite being married to one of the smartest women from Duel Academy, if not the actual smartest.

The blonde arched an eyebrow, seeing a single grain of rice on his cheek. This gave her an idea, a playful one that the both may enjoy to get the truth out of him. She slowly approached him, swaying her hips.

"So... if you didn't eat it... who did?" she asked, approaching closer.

Jaden felt nervousness throughout his body as he started to backup a little, however he found himself stopping when he backed to the kitchen counter, leaving himself trapped.

Now Alexis finally trapped him, both bodies were inches away from touching, especially Alexis' quite supple chest nearly almost pressing on her husband. She gave a seductive smirk tracing a finger along his chest, making Jaden blush and chuckle nervously.

"M-Maybe it's just your imagination...?" he stuttered.

"Hmm..." Alexis hummed, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing herself closer. "If I'm just imagining things... then pinch me." she suggested.

"...Hehe..." Jaden gulped rather loudly, his palms were sweaty, his heart was pounding as his mischievous wife further pressed her chest into him.

"Now... I know I'm not crazy... I bought four rice balls for lunch." she started. "I go upstairs to find some papers... then when I come back downstairs, they're gone and I know I didn't eat them... and the only other person who lives here is you."

"I... I don't know what you're talking about!" Jaden squealed. The man subtly looked down and saw a bit of Alexis' cleavage through the shirt hole. This made his pants feel tighter as his wife didn't break from the hold.

Alexis playfully rolled her eyes, he wasn't even trying at this point. "Jaden... what's that on your cheek?" Alexis asked, swiftly wiping his cheek with a thumb. Jaden blushed ever deeper at his wife's soft touch.

"I... I..."

Alexis showed the grain of rice that was on her thumb. "Found this on the corner of your cheek. Care to explain?" The blonde asked.

Jaden rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Hehe... how did that get there?"

"That's what I'm wondering." Alexis replied. "Jaden, admit it, you ate my rice balls!"

"W-What are you trying to say, Lex?! Are you accusing me of stealing your tasty lunch!" He defended. "I-I didn't take them!"

"Then who else could've?" She asked, rather calmly. Jaden wasn't sure if he should feel scared or turned on. Her sweet perfume started to fill his nostrils as she started to play with the back of his hair with her slender, elegant fingers.

Jaden bit his bottom lip. "Do you not know what you're doing to me...?" He whispered, feeling as if he was ready to pop.

Alexis giggled softly. "I may have an idea..." She replied before moving in with an eager kiss. Jaden, as he couldn't help himself at this point, immediately returned the kiss, placing his arm around her waist while his other hand started to stroke her hair.

The couple slowly pulled away after a few minutes, catching their breath. "I did it..." Jaden whispered.

Alexis' smiled turned into a smirk. "Hmm...?"

"It was me..." He breathed, before returning to kiss her briefly. "I was hungry so I ate your rice balls and I'm sorry!..." He added.

Alexis pulled away from him and placed her hands on her hips. "Bingo."


"Now Jay, you knew those were my rice balls and you ate them anyway!" She scolded.

Jaden nervously rubbed the back of his head. "Hehe... but... Lex, I'm really sorry, it won't even happen again." He promised. "You have my word!"

Alexis crossed her arms with a sharp glare, but then smiled warmly. "I love you... besides, it's not a huge deal... but I still don't want you eating what doesn't belong to you!"

Jaden gave a smile. "I understand, Lex." He said. "And... I love you too."

The two shared a gentle kiss. However much to Alexis' surprise, Jaden wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer to him.

"Now... where were we?" He whispered, wiggling his eyebrows.

Alexis laughed and shook her head, pulling herself away. "Oh I don't think so!" She said before handing Jaden his car keys and wallet. "Rice balls first, then we'll talk!"

Jaden sighed and sulked to the front door, feeling defeated on his part.

"Guess I deserved that..." He thought.

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