29. My True Love

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Alexis swallowed, absolutely speechless. He was cheating on her with some woman at work. She felt hurt, betrayed... no... even more.

She took a few steps back. "I see you have your hands full." She commented. It was almost emotionless with a hint of sadness.

Jaden and the woman turned and saw Alexis. Jaden's eyes were filled with pain, looking at his wife who looked ice cold.

"Alexis, it's not what it looks like..." He whispered.

Alexis refused to speak to him as she immediately turned around, dropping the food before bolting out of Kaiba Corp.

"Alexis! Alexis wait!" He called out while the woman was trying to cling on him. Jaden pushed the woman off him before running after Alexis into the cold, pouring rain.

There he saw Alexis heading to get car, Jaden ran towards her trying to grab her attention. "Alexis! Please! Let me explain!"

"There's nothing to explain!" Alexis snapped, glaring into his eyes while tears fell. "Really?! We're married! We have a child together! So you're fooling around with this... this bimbo behind my back?!"

"Alexis, I wasn't fooling around with her!" Jaden replied. "Please let me explain! I would never cheat on you!"

"Jaden, I'm not blind. I saw you kissing that woman!" Said Alexis.

"Alexis..." He whispered. "Please! Please let me explain!"

Alexis sighed, crossing her arms. "Explain then..."

"Alexis..." He whispered. "It really wasn't what it looked like. That girl... was forcing herself on me."

"You didn't seem to mind." Alexis deadpanned. "Who was she anyway?!"

"Of course I mind!" Jaden protested. "And she's the new intern, she headed into the office with copies that were printed. She then asked me about a picture on my desk and I told her it was of you, Lex. I told her you were my wife!"

"And?! What was she doing on your lips?" She demanded.

"All of a sudden she acted hysterical... she started saying crazy things that she loved me and wanted me to leave you. I told her that I'm married, then she jumped me and started to kiss me! I tried getting her off without hurting her but she was clingy!" He explained. Jaden then continued to see the hurt in Alexis' eyes. "Alexis... you know I'd never cheat on you... I love you..."

Alexis felt tears coming down her cheeks, Jaden tried to pull her into a hug but she turned away rejecting his move. "Jaden..."

"I never wanted to hurt you, Lex..." He continued.

"It's a little too late for that..." She whispered, wiping her tears. She wanted to believe him, but right now... she felt as if she couldn't. "I think..." She stuttered while holding back crying. "I need to go to my brother's house..."

Jaden's eyes widened as rain poured harder, getting the two soaking wet. "Don't say that!" He argued, desperately wanted her to believe him.

"Alexis, please baby, I'm on my knees!" He begged, doing what he said. The brown haired man went on his knees, sacrificing all pride and dignity for her.

"Jaden, no! This marriage won't go on!" She finalized, as much as it hurt her. "Goodbye Jaden..." She whispered before starting to walk away.

However Jaden refused to give up as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him. Alexis was caught off guard, but immediately wanted to leave. His bangs from the cold, wet rain covered his eyes which scared her slightly, if was like she couldn't read him anymore.

She felt herself crying, no longer holding back her true feelings.

"Let me go!" She cried out as Jaden refused to let her go. She started to beat on his chest as Jaden had a grip on her. "I never want to-"

Suddenly she felt a pair of his demanding lips on hers to silence her as his hands cupped her face. Alexis then immediately felt conflicted whether to continue... however she soon gave in closing her eyes, returning the passionate kiss as Jaden was dominating her.

The brown haired man then had his beautiful wife against the wall before continuing the heated kiss.

His tongue demanded entry in which she allowed, the two explored the innards of their mouths for a while before Jaden's mouth escaped and kissed roughly all over her face, her neck and collarbone. A moan escaped Alexis' conquered plush lips as she arches her back for better access. She could also feel Jaden's hands travel down her back while stroking her lovely hair.

He slowly pulled his mouth away from his skin, feeling tears rolling down his face. "How could I ever betray the perfect woman..." He whispered, staring into her bright, hazel eyes and smile.

Before Alexis could speak, Jaden beat her to it. "I love you." He interrupted. "I really love you, Alexis... everything about you..."

Alexis now felt warmth in his embrace, she no longer wanted to leave him... she honestly never wanted to leave deep down.

"Jaden... I love you too... but that girl-"

"Like I said, Alexis. I only know her as the intern, I don't even know her personal life... nor do I plan to." He admitted.


He cupped her face immediately. "Alexis, look at me. I would never betray you!" Jaden said. He then went on his knees and held her hands, looking up at her. "Please... I just want YOU. Not her or anyone else! Just the Alexis I know and love, the Alexis I'd die for... you, Alexis... I need you..."

Alexis stood there silent, she felt conflicted... she wanted to go by what she saw... but her heart was telling her the opposite. The look on Jaden's face looked as if he committed murder... or lost everything dear to him... in this case, he was.

"Get up..." She ordered. The brown haired man immediately followed orders. Alexis then laid her head on his chest before standing on her tippy toes to kiss his lips.

"I believe you, Jay... and of course I love you..." She whispered lovingly.

Jaden pulled her into the hug. "Alexis, I promised you... that i'd make you the happiest woman alive... you already made me the happiest man." He spoke.

"You already made me happy, Jaden..." Alexis whispered as Jaden leaned his forehead against hers.

"So you don't hate me?" He asked with a goofy grin.

"Never, Jaden." She replied.

"Good... he whispered, kissing her forehead. "I wouldn't know what I'd do if you hated me..."

The couple then embraced for the moment's passing. "I'm sorry..." Alexis whispered. "For what I said..."

Jaden chuckled softly. "I understand why you'd think the way you did..." He replied with sympathy. "Now... want me to walk you back to the car?" He asked, offering an arm.

Alexis smiled and took his arm before being escorted to the parking lot. Jaden opened the car door for Alexis before she entered, but not before one last kiss.

"What are you going to do?" Alexis asked. "About that intern?"

"Oh, she's no longer going to be intern." Said Jaden. "She's definitely out."

"You mean it?"

"Yep, only this beautiful woman gets to touch these lips tonight." He said, giving her a wink.

Alexis smirked and playfully laughed. "Just how I like it. Goodbye... Jaden..."

Jaden shook his head. "Not goodbye... more like... I'll see ya later." He reassured, giving the smile that always rid her worries...

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