2. Something Protective

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"Uh... so tell me why we're here again?" asked a bored Jaden, who was walking through the mall along with his wife.

"Because we need more house decorations." Alexis replied. "Besides, both of us are on our day off so I thought today would be perfect."

Jaden sighed lightly, he never really was a fan of shopping. It took Alexis a while to usually decide on what she wanted, in contrast to Jaden, who would pick something then leave. Not to mention the majority of what Alexis did was window shopping.

"Eh? How long are we going to be here?" Jaden whined.

"Jaden, I'm sure it won't kill you to spend time with your wife." She replied in exasperation. "Who knows when we'll leave, but I'm determined to find some good frames and vases for the house, and maybe some fine china too."

A sweat drop slid down Jaden's cheek. 'Well... at least she's determined...' He said mentally.

However the sudden aroma coming from the food court grabbed Jaden's attention, leaving him drooling. Alexis glanced at her husband, arching an eyebrow.

"Jaden? What are you looking at?" She questioned.

"Fried shrimp..." A dazed Jaden said as he stared at the seafood stand.

Alexis turned and saw the cooks putting a tray of freshly fried shrimp on display. "Jaden, you just ate lunch like an hour ago." She reminded.

"Yeah but... that looks so good..." Jaden protested as he mindlessly headed towards to the shrimp, leaving his wife alone.

Alexis shook her head at how so easily he was distracted. "Guess I'll have to shop by myself or nothing will get done, maybe I can buy a bucket to catch his drool."

The blonde started to walk away but soon nearly bumped into a tall man that was coming from another way.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, please excuse me." Alexis said politely.

The man smirked. "Don't worry about it, besides... I don't get mad at hotties like you." He said.

The blonde woman arched an eyebrow "I'm sorry?"

"Yeah, what do ya say I take you to a party later on? Come on, it'll be fun!" He offered.

Alexis stood back a little. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested, besides even if I wasn't married I still wouldn't go."

The man felt himself getting mad and even more persistent. He was quite good looking and wasn't used to girls rejecting him. However in the man's eyes, he believed she was playing hard to get.

"Oh come on, babe. He doesn't have to know!" He said slyly before grabbing her wrist with his rather large hand. "Besides... I can show you a better time than your husband... believe it."

Alexis tried to pull from the stronger man's grip, but it was no use. She wanted to slap his face immediately. 'That bastard needs to learn that not every woman is gonna drop to his knees!' She thought as she continued to struggle, making the man only smirk wider at her persistence.

Meanwhile Jaden continued looking at the fried shrimp. "Mmm... come on, Lex. Could we take one little shrimp break? ...Lex?"

Jaden turned around and his wife was not by his side, his eyes widened as confusion struck him. Where could she be? She was just with him, right?

Suddenly Jaden heard a man chuckling, which grabbed his attention and the woman who was being grabbed by him was... Alexis, who didn't look happy in the slightest.

Jaden's mood slowly turned into anger. 'What the hell is he doing with MY Alexis?!' An angered Jaden thought. 'Wait... I just said MY Alexis... where did that come from?!'

However Jaden immediately ignored those thoughts and ran towards the man and Alexis.

As Alexis kept trying to escape, the man shook his head. "The more you resist me, the more I want you, bab-"

"What the hell do you think you're doing to my wife?!" Said a low, intimidating voice. The man turned his head around and saw Jaden with Yubel colored eyes, a scowl on his face and a purple aura around his body.

'Jaden...' Alexis thought, she rarely saw Jaden so angry, but when he was...

The man's eyes widened as he immediately released Alexis' arm. Suddenly out of the blue, Jaden punched the man square in the face with strength coming from Yubel and his own rage. The man's nose started to bleed, much to his embarrassment, making him run and cry like a baby.

Jaden's Yubel eye color disappeared, returning back to his brown eyes. He looked at his wife, who was undoubtedly surprised.

He looked at her with concern. "Alexis... are you ok-" Alexis immediately hugged Jaden, squeezing him tightly as she clinged to his chest.

"Thank you for saving me!" Alexis praised, looking up at his face.

Jaden rubbed the back of his head. "Hey... really, I don't know what got over me." He said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Alexis questioned.

Jaden's face turned serious. "When I saw that guy grab you like that... I just wanted to get him away from you." He admitted. "I couldn't stand it..."

"Jaden..." she whispered.

Jaden pulled her into a gentle, yet possessive hug. 'You're my woman... no one else's, and if anyone has a problem, they'll have to go through me.' A possessive voice said in his head.

He kissed her forehead before releasing her. "Now... let's go find some house decorations." He said warmly as he held her hand.

Alexis smiled before the couple kissed, leaving the food court and for the rest of the day to enjoy each other's company.

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