26. Someone's Awake

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Alexis shifted uncomfortably on her bed as she heard the cry of her young son in the other room. The blonde woke up, noticing Jaden's absence. She decided to put on a robe and walk over to her son's room.

She then saw Jaden, comforting their son in his arms. She decided to stand at the doorway, watching the father and son bond once again.

"Shhh don't worry, I checked in the closet and under the crib. I swear there's no monsters." He reassured, wiping Tidus' tears. "Now it's okay..."

Alexis giggled while baby Tidus smiled and laughed, which was his way of thanking his old man. The child then closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep with ease.

Jaden chuckled quietly. "Well... just like that he's asleep."

"Like father, like son." Alexis commented.

Jaden turned around and saw his wife. "Hey Lex. Did we wake you up?" He asked in concern.

She shook her head. "I was already up... I just wanted to check on Tidus, but I see you got things covered, Mr. Dad." She praised as she approached him.

"Never knew you had super sonic hearing."

"Nope, just a mother's intuition."

The brown haired man smiled at his wife before watching the toddler sleep in his crib. "You know, taking care of Tidus can be pretty fun..." Jaden commented. "Hope the next kid will be just as great..."

Alexis arched an eyebrow. "You're already thinking about another one?" She asked with a sly smile, coming closer.

Jaden blushed deeply. "Did I say that?"

"Well it sure wasn't the baby." Alexis replied. "I didn't think you wanted another one. You seemed a bit... hesitant with Tidus."

Jaden rubbed the back of his head. "Well... that's because I was afraid that I wouldn't be a good dad." He admitted.

"And look at you now." Alexis whispered as she put her hand on his shoulder. "Your son adores you... we both adore you.

Jaden placed a hand on his wife's. "Ditto." He replied. "I'm kinda hoping the next one is a girl... a girl that'll look like you... then again, I'm sure she'd attract a lot of... boys."

"Or better yet, a fiancé." Alexis joked. "Although... I'm hoping she'd have your eye color... such beautiful chocolate brown eyes..." She admitted. Truthfully Alexis hoped her children would have Jaden's eye color, despite her son inheriting hers.

Jaden pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "Hey, your eyes are beautiful..." He whispered. "Who wouldn't want your eye color?"


"I mean it, Lex. You have the most beautiful eyes." He whispered truthfully.

Alexis kissed his cheek. "You're sweet..." She whispered.

"And you're amazing..." Jaden replied. "Now... let's get some sleep."

The two slowly headed to the door without waking Tidus up. However, Jaden accidentally stepped on a squeaky toy on the floor, startling the couple.

"Sorry, Lex!" He quickly apologized. Alexis didn't mind, but she hoped Tidus would not wake up.

However much to their relief, the baby stayed asleep, as if he didn't hear a thing. The couple both sighed in relief.

"He really is just like me..." Jaden commented.

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