8. Something Low

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"Almost... got it!"

Alexis slowly stood on her tippy toes, attempting to reach a book on a higher up shelf. The blonde continued to struggle for at least about a minute, hoping to reach the book without any help.

Suddenly Jaden, who was eating a large bag of potato chips walked into the study, seeing his wife struggle.

"Alexis...?" Jaden called out.

Alexis turned around, giving a small, embarrassed smile while blushing. "Oh hey, Jay." She greeted.

The brown haired man arched an eyebrow. "...You okay? You look like you need help."

"I'm fine." She reassured, trying to reach the green book on the shelf. Jaden slowly approached his wife, giving a sly, smile. He leaned into her ear when she stopped trying.

"...Are you sure?" He whispered, rather in a husky tone that made her practically weak, she instead shook her head before Jaden reached for the book for her with ease.

"This the book?" He asked

Alexis nodded and was handed over the book. "Thanks, Jay..." She replied, while gazing at his collarbone.

'He's really gotten tall... or I'm just shrinking...' She wondered.

"No problem... soo... are you okay?" He asked, noticing her stare.

Alexis snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at her husband's brown eyes. "I was just thinking... when did you become taller than me?"

Jaden rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. "I guess I have grown a bit..." He said nervously.

"A bit?! You used to be shorter than I was when we first met!" Alexis reminded. Jaden did remember he was a couple of inches shorter than her, while not as short as Syrus, he was on the shorter side for a male.

"Well... on our third year, I did kinda grow a bit..." He answered.

When the third year came, after fusing with Yubel... he grew a few inches. Jaden was then at Alexis' height. Perhaps it was a sign of maturity on his behalf.

Alexis nodded. "Mm, yes I remember..." She said.

"Well... after I left Duel Academy, I guess I've grown a bit, heh I think I was taller than Chazz at that point." He continued. "I didn't think I'd get any taller... then again, my dad is a pretty tall guy. How tall do you think I am now?"

"Uh... my guess is about 178 cm, but maybe we can find out for sure someday." Alexis answered.

Jaden smirked, being taller than his wife felt kinda... nice, now that he thought about it. "Doesn't matter, because guess who's taller than you?" He teased, putting a hand slightly over the top of her head. "Didn't think I'd get this far huh?"

Alexis crossed her arms and glared at Jaden, until she had an idea. A sly smile appeared on her face as she grabbed Jaden by the collar, pulled him down to her level and brought him into a steamy kiss. Caught off guard, Jaden then gave into the kiss while still being grabbed by the collar.

Alexis soon broke the kiss slowly, still holding onto him. While Jaden still recovered from the kiss, Alexis slowly leaned into his ear.

"...and now you're back to my height." She whispered triumphantly.

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