5. Someone First

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It was a starry night in Domino, as a tired Alexis laid next to her duel loving, sleeping husband. Jaden was already passed out, but Alexis couldn't complain, after all it was after their 'nightly dueling session'.

She couldn't help but be impressed every time, she could see Jaden's skills were not only subpar in dueling. However it got her thinking, Jaden was good... maybe too good, even on their wedding night, she felt he exceeded virgin standards. Alexis couldn't help but wonder... was Jaden with other women before her? He did disappear for a long time before they started dating, giving him plenty of time to have a few hookups here and there. Were the women better in bed? More beautiful? The blonde started to feel a rush of insecurity, this was eating her up alive. She figured she might as well get Jaden to confirm it while it was fresh in her mind.

Alexis shook her husband's shoulder slightly. "Jaden...? Jaden!" She called.

The brown haired man grumbled slightly, slowly trying to open his eyes. "Hm? What's wrong, Lex?" He asked, after giving a loud yawn.

"Jaden... I have something to ask you." Alexis replied.

"Well... it can't wait until tomorrow?" He asked.


Jaden gave a slight smile. "Alright, what's up?"

Alexis took a deep breath, composing all of her thoughts. "Well... I just wanted to say that you're very great at what you do..." She started, making Jaden arch an eyebrow. "and before you ask, I'm talking about in bed."

Jaden blushes slightly. "Oh... well thanks, but didn't you have a question?" He asked.

"Oh, right! Well... I wanted to ask howmanywomenhaveyoubeenwith?" She asked.


Alexis took a deep breath. "Sorry, I asked... how many women have you been with?"

Jaden rubbed his eyes. "Wait... let me see if I'm getting this right... you asked... how many women have I been with?" He asked, trying to process this. Alexis nodded in response.

Jaden blinked. "Uhh... only you? I was a virgin when we did it on our wedding night." He answered truthfully, however Alexis didn't believe him.

She crossed her arms. "Yeah right..."

"It's true, Lex!" He defended. "I've never even done anything like that with another woman. Besides, what made you ask this out of the blue?"

"Well... like I said before-"



"So you believe because you thought my skills were sweet, that means I've done it with other women right?" He asked.

Alexis only nodded. "Well... you've been on world travels... I'm sure you've met many beautiful women- oh!"

Jaden had pulled her into his arms, whispering. "Silly girl... no woman is as beautiful as you." He whispered.

Alexis blushed. "J-Jaden..."

Jaden pulled away, looking at her dead in the eye. "Listen... there is a secret I've been keeping, but it's not what you think it is!"

"Go on..."

Jaden blushes lightly. "The reason I had... some knowledge about... you know... was because of your brother." He answered.

"Wait... I don't understand. What does Atticus have to do with it?" Alexis questioned.

"Well... I asked for advice on it, and he gave me a few pointers on how to make the woman feel... good..." He continued. "Being that he was way more experienced and... well... I figured he must know a lot about it."

Alexis nodded, feeling surprised yet relieved that she was the only woman he's ever been with. "So... you went to my brother... to get tips..."

Jaden nodded sheepishly. "Because I didn't want to disappoint you when the time came... so... yeah."

Alexis felt herself smile as a tear ran down her cheek. "Jaden..."

"You're the one I wanted to be with, the one I love, the one I want to spend my life with forever." Jaden explained. "And even if I were to hook up with someone in the past, they wouldn't matter to me because I have you... You're my first love... my only love, you made me realize a dueling fool like me can find love and I hope you know this... now goodnight." He finished before returning to sleep.

Alexis immediately hugged Jaden, waking him up again. "I'm so sorry, Jaden..."

Jaden smiled and started to rub her hair through his fingers. "I love you too..."

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