35. Our Anniversary

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A beautiful day in Domino City was upon the citizens as many enjoyed the quality time of being outside. Both Alexis and her older brother Atticus took Tidus to the park while the siblings got a chance to catch up about life.

"Tidus, remember to be careful on the slide!" Alexis called out from the bench.

"Mooom..." the son muttered. Tidus blushed in embarrassment and bowed his head while Atticus chuckled at his reaction.

"Sis, you're gonna embarrass the poor kid." Atticus teased.

"Still, he could get hurt!" Alexis replied. "I mean, the playground still can be dangerous, you know."

"Hehe... well I guess you have a point." Atticus agreed, watching his nephew.

As soon as a beeping sound was heard from Alexis' phone, Atticus' thoughts about how far both Jaden and Alexis have come, were interrupted as he looked back at his sister.

"Oh! It's just my phone." Alexis explained. She grabbed the phone from her pocket and saw a new text message.

"Who's it from?" Atticus asked as Alexis started to read the message.

"Well it's from Jaden, why?" She replied.

"Oh I see, could it be a romantic text from work?" Atticus nudged her shoulder while Alexis sighed.

"No, he's just asking what's for dinner." She replied while texting him back. "I told him we're having pizza tonight... and now he's texting about if I've recorded his favorite show on TV ."

The brother frowned. "Well that doesn't sound very romantic. That doesn't sound very romantic at all, in fact." He commented.


"I just think he should maybe show way more pizazz sometimes. Besides, your wedding anniversary is tomorrow, right?"

"Is that what this is all about?" Alexis asked.

"Jaden forgot last year's anniversary, remember?" Atticus reminded. "He should at least make it up to you this year. Something that screams romance. Something straight out of a cheesy romance film! You know, the ones I'd try to get you to watch."

"Well I'm going to see if he remembers this time." Alexis replied. She sighed softly, recalling a recent memory she had. "You know now that I think about it... we've been wrapped up with the house and Tidus a lot... we... haven't been really doing anything just the two of us lately."

"Yeah, marriage and kids change things I bet, but you and Jay need to keep this thing alive . I'm talking about the romance part, Lex."

"Well I guess I could organize something for Jaden and I." Alexis suggested.

Atticus shook his head. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, sis." Atticus playfully commented. "I'll take care of everything on this anniversary date..." he said with a wink.

"...I don't like where this is going..." Alexis deadpanned, knowing her brother had something bound to go crazy.

Atticus sat up from the bench, chuckling nervously after pretending to look at his watch. "Well, look at the time! Guess I better get going."

"And where are you off to?" Alexis asked.

"Oh... me and the lifeguard babe from the beach have a date." Atticus winked.

The blonde woman shook her head. "Looks like some things will never change." She sighed.

The brown haired man replied. "I'll see you later, sis and my favorite little nephew on the swing set."

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