18. Something Magical

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Alexis started off her morning with a soft yawn and stretch. A smile graced her features as she realized the day finally came... that day being Christmas.

The blonde shook her sleeping husband lightly. "Jaden? Jaden, wake up! It's Christmas." She alerted.

Jaden yawned, rubbing his eyes while trying to get fully awaken. He gave a small, tired smile as he saw his happy looking wife. "Oh, Merry Christmas, Lex."

Alexis leaned down and kissed his lips. "Merry Christmas to you too..." She whispered.

Jaden slowly stretched and got up from the bed. "So, should we go open presents?!" He asked, sounding like a cheerful kid.

"Oh Jaden, we have all day to open presents." She replied. "Why don't I make breakfast first? We could watch the news too."

"The news? But why?"

"To see if it'll be safe for us to fly to my parents' house. You do remember we're staying over there right?"

Jaden rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Hehe... of course, Lex."

Alexis decided to prepare a simple breakfast for herself and Jaden before peacefully eating together. While watching the news, the blonde woman frowned. Reports showed that there would be a very intense blizzard at where Alexis' parents lived at, making it nearly impossible for planes to land there. However any transportation wouldn't be able to make a difference

Jaden then held her hand before giving his trademark smile. "Don't worry, Lex. We'll still make this Christmas awesome!"

"How so?" Alexis asked. "We can't visit my parents this Christmas and-"

"Then I'll take you ice skating." Jaden interrupted. "I know you'll enjoy ice skating and today's the perfect day for it."

The blonde gave it thought, but then smiled, giving a slight squeeze on his hand.

"Well alright, just let me change clothing." She replied.

Later on the couple made it to the ice rink in Domino Park. Jaden was dressed in red and black, feeling quite comfortable as he was ready to skate. Meanwhile Alexis felt a bit nervous, despite having more experience in ice skating. Due to not ice skating in such a long time, the blonde haired woman was immediately regretting agreeing to coming here.

"Uhh... maybe we should go home!" Alexis stuttered, trying her hardest to stay in balance.

"I know you got this, Lex." Cheered Jaden as he held her hand while in the rink. "All you have to do is relax."

Alexis nodded, nearly about to slip before Jaden caught her. Jaden gave a reassuring smile to the bashful woman he held.

"Here... I want you to hold onto me." Jaden whispered. "Do you trust me?"

Alexis gave a nod, still feeling nervous. However Jaden made sure she'd never fall as he guided her across the ring as if he was figure skating with a partner.

While Alexis felt nervous, seeing Jaden rome smoothly on the ice made her feel a sense of confidence. If he could do it, why couldn't she?

Both became synch with each other as Alexis slowly rid her fears, allowing Jaden to take the lead. She smiled and laughed as Jaden did tricks with her, such as holding her in the air while skating or even a dip as if they were dancing. Normally Alexis would be slightly embarrassed, but she was having too much fun to consider the people around her.

Jaden thought she looked like a beautiful ice queen. Her radiance shined through as her long blond hair and rather warm colored eyes accompanied by her smile was on display.

The brown haired man then guided his wife to a nearby corner where the exit was. "So how's that for ice skating?" He asked.

"You know actually, it was pretty fun." Alexis praised. "I don't know how to explain... but it was like I was gliding on air."

Jaden chuckled. "I knew you'd like it." He replied. "So how about we catch one of those ice skating shows you love?"

Alexis nearly wanted to squeal, but kept her emotions in check. "There's a show today? What time?"

"Well in five minutes." He replied. "Let's maybe pick up some cocoa and catch a seat!"

The couple sat down at the benches in front of a large ice rink. Jaden slowly sipped his cocoa while Alexis was distracted by the performance. The actors were dressed as iconic duel monsters such as Dark Magician girl, Kuriboh, and others while the colorful lights glided on the rink. Alexis felt her inner child watching the performance successfully flow well with the audience.

Jaden saw the giggling, laughing, smiling Alexis. Normally to how reserved she was, seeing her this happy brought a smile to his face.

"This is beautiful..." Alexis whispered.

Jaden chuckled. "Well I didn't wanna see you depressed." He said. "But that's not all."

Alexis arched an eyebrow and Jaden leaned to her ear.

"We still have dinner later on..." He whispered before winking.

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