7. Something Adorable

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Jaden was in the living room, playing his video games. The brown haired man felt good about himself as he managed to almost beat his own high score.

"Jaden, we have a guest here!" Alexis called out as she walked into the room. Beside the blonde woman was a little girl, something that Jaden noticed after his wife grabbed his attention.

"Uncle Jaden!" The girl cheered. "My daddy tells me so much about you!"

The girl had fair skin, dark hair that was styled into two large puffs that resembled koala ears, a small nose and large, blue eyes.

"...Sooo Lex, who's the kid?" He asked, completely dense.

Alexis gave a small tired sigh. "Jaden, This is Des Huffington, remember when we both promised Chumley that we'd watch his daughter?"

"...we did?"

The blonde facepalmed. "It was your idea in the first place." She reminded. "Since Chumley's in a meeting here in Domino representing Industrial Illusions, we have to be her entertainment for the day."

Jaden blinked. "Well... alright." He replied, giving a smile at the little girl. "So Des, how old are you?"

The little girl shyly held up four fingers.

"Ah, four I see. You're growing up!" Said the brown haired man, making the girl smile. "So uh... what do you wanna do?" He asked, not sure of what she, or kids today in general, found fun these days.

Des pretended to think hard, as she got into a cute thinking pose. "Hmmmmmm I want... gwilled cheese!"

Jaden chuckled. "Wow you really are Chumley's kid aren't you?"

The little young nodded. "Mhm! mhm! I love cheese! Someday, I'm gonna eat more than daddy!"

"I think we have the ingredients." Said a giggling Alexis. "I'll go check in the kitchen."

"Thank you, Aunty Alexis!" Cheered Des.

The three soon sat at the table after Alexis prepared the grilled cheese. The blonde woman smiled, watching the adorable young girl bite into the stringy cheese. It could only make her giggle, she was a cute girl after all.

Jaden soon finished his sandwich. "Pretty good, Lex." He praised before turning his attention to Des.

"So... what should we do? I don't want her to be bored..." Alexis questioned.

"Well... why don't we let her play some of my video games?" Jaden suggested.

"...I've seen your games, Jay, and I don't think it's appropriate for a girl her age!" She expressed.

"Did someone say games?" Des called out, after being done with her sandwich. "Can we go to the arcade? I've never been to the one here!"

An idea sparked into the couple's heads. They figured they should just spend the day at Domino City Arcade.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Jaden asked with his trademark smile.

Alexis playfully smirked "Hmmm... I'm getting an image..."

Jaden then drove his wife and Des to the Domino City Arcade. While in the car, both Jaden and Des sang songs in the car while Alexis relaxed in the passenger's seat. A smile was brought to her face, seeing Jaden's interaction with the girl, it was actually pretty cute.

The three entered the arcade with Des holding both of their hands, it amazed Alexis at how trusting Des was towards them. Jaden then purchased the tokens before turning his attention to the girls.

"So Des, what do you wanna play first?" Jaden asked.

The little girl looked around before finally seeing the perfect game. "That one!" she answered, pointing to a Dance Revolution game. "Uncle Jaden, I bet I can beat you!" she challenged.

Alexis giggled while Jaden blushed lightly, scratching the tip of his nose. "Well... sure, Des. You're on!" he replied.

Des and Jaden then ran over to the game with Alexis behind as she held the small bucket of tokens for them. For a kid, Des was actually pretty good at arcade games, probably due to Chumley taking her to arcades in his free time. She was even very competitive, just like Jaden, making their interactions fun and spirited. While Alexis didn't really play video games, she actually did have a good time spending time with the two. However even she did participate in the easier games due to Jaden and Des talking her into it. The amount of tickets they won was also astonishing, making Des excited to go to the prize booth.

"Alright Des, you got 400 tickets, what would you like to do with them?" Alexis asked.

The little girl immediately picked the large stuffed Kuriboh plushie. As soon as she got it, Des squeezed it into a hug, making her beam in delight. Jaden and Alexis smiled at the girl before at each other, both feeling happy that they brought her here.

After the arcade, Jaden carried Des on his shoulders and the three grabbed ice cream cones. When Des accidentally dropped her's, she started to cry, causing Jaden to instead give her his ice cream. Alexis asked if he was sure, in which he surely was. Soon Des's tears turned into joy and laughter as the three headed home.

"Well that was fun." Alexis commented, entering the home. "Chumley should be here pretty soon to pick her up."

"Heh... I almost don't want her to leave." said the brown haired man. Jaden held a sleeping Des on his shoulders, who was tuckered out from playing all of those games. He placed her on the couch while Des snuggled with her Kuriboh plushie and the couple smiled as she slept peacefully. While kids were work, they were quite adorable... it even got Alexis suddenly thinking about having little ones of their own...

"So... you seemed like you had fun." Alexis commented, trying to start a conversation.

Jaden wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Yeah... today was pretty sweet!" he replied before looking at his wife. He noticed she looked like she was in thought as she looked at Des sleeping.

"Whatcha thinkin about, Lexy?" he whispered.

Alexis blushed slightly. "Well... Jaden... may I ask you something?" she asked. Jaden nodded, giving her his attention.

"Well... we've been married for some time now... and I'd really would like a baby someday... and-"


Jaden fainted onto the ground, making Alexis shake her head. "Too soon...?" she asked playfully, not getting a response.

Soon the bell rang, Alexis answered the door, seeing Chumley waiting to pick up his daughter. "Oh Chumley, come in, come in!"

Chumley chuckled lightly. "Sorry, I'm late, the boss had me stay a while longer... then I had to grab a grilled cheese from this licious place downtown." he apologized. "Anyways, I hope she wasn't any trouble."

Alexis shook her head. "She was an angel." she replied. "We went to the arcade while you were out."

"Well she does love games." said Chumley, seeing his adorable sleeping daughter. He picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. "Listen, I really wanna thank you and Jaden once again for watching her."

Alexis beamed in delight. "It was no problem, she's always welcome here." she said. "Me and Jaden loved having her around."

"By the way..." Chumley started, looking around. "Where is Jaden?" he asked.

Alexis pointed to the ground with a deadpanned expression on her face, pointing to Jaden, who was still on the ground due to his wife's question.

"Babies... already wants babies..." Jaden muttered, before slowly falling asleep on the ground.

...and Alexis knew, that this conversation wasn't over.

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