3. Something Passionate

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One night, Jaden decided to take a shower while Alexis was in the kitchen. It's been months since the wedding and things have been running by normally. No threats out to destroy the world... just peaceful and humble beginnings for the newlyweds.

Alexis was fixing some hot chocolate as she hummed a quiet tune. She hoped watching a movie while drinking cocoa would relax the both of them and enjoy a romantic night.

"Jaden, I made some hot cocoa! Hurry before it gets cold!" Alexis warned. "Jaden?"

Suddenly Jaden came down to the kitchen in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. "You say something, Lex?" He asked.

The blonde turned around to face her husband. "Yeah I said your cocoa is-... Ohh..."

There was Jaden and his fit, toned body in nothing but a towel... Alexis couldn't help but stare. Her eyes traced his entire body... while the two have been intimate, Alexis was still getting used to seeing a nearly nude Jaden.

'He's really matured since Duel Academy...' Alexis marveled in thought at every part of him. 'I still can't believe he's so fit...'

"Uhhh... Lex?" Jaden interrupted.

Alexis was driven out of her thoughts and back to reality. "Oh uh... would you like some cocoa?"

"Well sure but... are you okay?" He asked as he approached her. He carefully placed a hand on her forehead, making her blush deeply as her eyes met his chest.


"Hmm... your temperature is normal..." He said.

"Jaden I'm fine." She giggled at his concern, it was rather sweet and pretty cute. "Why don't you take your cocoa and meet me at the couch, I already picked out a movie." Alexis suggested. "Oh and... you don't have to put on pjs... if you don't want to."

"Sweet!" Jaden praised before taking his red mug and headed into the living room, but before he did... he turned around to get a look at his wife from behind.

'Wow... I can see why the guys at Duel Academy would go crazy for her...' He wondered while blushing. 'Smart... caring... and it's also pretty sweet how she wears her hair down a lot...'

Jaden sat on the couch, followed by Alexis who sat next to him. After pressing play, the couple began to watch the movie while Jaden had his arm around her shoulders, making Alexis blush even deeper.

'He smells really good...' She thought.

Jaden looked at his wife, who seemed focused on him rather than the movie. He couldn't help but notice how her eyes sparkled in the dark... how sweet her perfume smelt, her beautiful curves... and how her pink plush lips were slightly parted, making her even more sexy in his eyes.


And with that, his self control snapped...

His lips crashed into her as his instincts and desire for her took over. Alexis, wanting him as equally as he wanted her, returned the kiss ignoring the movie and cocoa. Jaden began to remove her clothes, leading a moan from her lips to escape before Jaden removed his towel...

After a while, the couple panted tiredly on the floor. Alexis rested her head on his chest while Jaden ran his fingers down her hair as they both laid there satisfied.

"H-how did we get on the floor?" Alexis questioned.

Jaden chuckled. "I'm just as surprised as you are, Lex." he replied.

Alexis gave him a playful smirk, she didn't remember falling off the couch nor did she care. Being with him was all she cared for. Screw those cheesy romance novels... this was what she really wanted.

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