25. Somebody's Having A Picnic

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Jaden stared in awe as he stared at Alexis all dolled up with her long, blonde hair in a ponytail, wearing a long white sleeveless dress which showed a bit of cleavage, and light brown sandals. She looked like an absolute angel to him and he wanted to skip the Picnic and take her right there in the kitchen.

The blonde woman was packing a delicious lunch for the family picnic while Jaden was admiring the beauty called his wife.

"Jaden, could you get Tidus down here for me please?" Alexis asked. "I'm almost done packing and I wanna get there before he wakes up."

Jaden nodded. "Sure thing, Lex." Replied the brown haired man before going upstairs to retrieve the young sleeping toddler. Alexis decided to place the baby in a stroller and push it while Jaden carried the Picnic basket as they headed out to the car.

The couple decided to head to a local hill at Domino Park to have lunch on top. Jaden walked with his wife on top of the hill before setting a large blanket on the grass.

Alexis smiled and carefully took out the lunches that were packed. Since of course, Jaden had a huge appetite, allowing her to pack a lot of food.

"Let's eat now, Jaden. I'm sure the baby will be hungry once he wakes up" Alexis suggested.

"You had me at 'let's eat'" Jaden joked before the two ate their lunches peacefully, while watching over their sleeping baby.

"To think... you didn't know what fiancé meant." Alexis commented.

Jaden rubbed the back of his head. "Well hey, at least I beat Harrington!" He replied. "But Lex, may I ask you a silly question?"

Alexis arched an eyebrow. She was now curious. "Go on."

"Well... lets just say... that I didn't win that duel. Would you have married Harrington?" Jaden asked jokingly, however he was genuinely concerned. While Jaden didn't really think of romance back then, he did show care for the young, blonde woman.

Alexis shook her head playfully, pinching her husband's cheek lightly. "You dork, of course I wouldn't have married him. Besides, I make my own choices, you know."

Jaden chuckled nervously, thinking that question was kinda stupid. "Well you got me there."

Alexis kissed the back of his ear, catching him off guard. "Besides... he definitely wasn't as cool as you." She whispered. "Far from it..."

Jaden wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I love you..." He whispered.

"And I love you too..."

Just before the couple was about to kiss, Tidus slowly woke up, observing his surroundings. The couple turned their attention to their son, who still felt slightly tired.

"Hey Sport, just woke up from your nap huh?" Jaden greeted.

The toddler cheered when he saw his father. "Dadda! Dadda!"

Jaden removed him from the stroller and held him in his arms, cooing and playing with the toddler. Alexis made sure she relaxed next to him, watching both the father and son. Alexis has always seen Jaden as a friendly individual who'd probably be a hit with kids due to his carefree and goofy personality, however seeing him with their child made her fall for him even more if that was possible. The way Jaden handled things was amazing and gave the blonde woman a lot of hope for the future.

After being cradled, Tidus fell asleep once again before Jaden swiftly placed him back in the stroller before returning to his wife to lift and spin her in the air. Giggling and laughter escaped from Alexis before the brown haired man kissed her passionately. The two collapsed on a bed of flowers, making out and in each other's embrace.

"O-Oh Jaden, what if someone sees us?" She whispered as Jaden kissed her neck.

All Alexis could hear was murmuring as Jaden continued that wonderful assault on her neck. His hands traveled at her butt, giving it a soft squeeze while returning to her lips.

However Tidus began to cry, which ended their session. Jaden made a pouty face while Alexis tended to her son, rocking him back and forth.

"There there..." She whispered as the toddler became calmer. "Jaden, we should probably head home..."

"Alright, but then can the real fun begin?" Jaden asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Alexis rolled her eyes playfully and cleaned up the picnic while Jaden placed Tidus back into the stroller.

The family returned home and Alexis placed Tidus in his crib. Then she slipped into some very appealing clothes, a bright blue satin baby doll with her blonde hair wore down and freely.

She then met Jaden at their bedroom, who wore nothing but red boxers as he waited for her to come. She slowly slipped into the bed before Jaden kissed her passionately while holding her.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He whispered huskily.

The blonde woman smiled. "Just glad we got to have some fun today..."

"Well... doesn't mean the fun can't stop." He suggested, making Alexis giggle before the couple enjoyed a heated afternoon to themselves.

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