9. Someone's Type

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"So what should we do until Alexis is done grading papers?" Syrus, a young blue haired man asked.

Jaden shrugged. "We could duel." He suggested.

"But we just dueled three times already! And you kept winning!"

Syrus then glanced over to a picture on Jaden's wall in the living room, a portrait of Jaden and the gang at Duel Academy. To think it's been years since they all were classmates all together... on these crazy adventures. While they were still a bit separate, they still kept in touch, some were closer than others.

"Time sure flies by..." Syrus commented.

Jaden laid back on the couch, feeling relaxed. "Definitely... feels like yesterday since i started Duel Academy." Jaden replied.

"Yeah... and who would've thought you would get married?" Syrus asked, remembering about how oblivious Jaden was to romance. "...Meanwhile I'm still stuck with no girlfriend."

Jaden chuckled. "Now don't give up yet, Sy. I'm sure you'll find a girl."

"Easy for you to say." Syrus deadpanned. "All I want is just a nice, easygoing, cute girl... who wouldn't mind dressing up as the Dark Magician Girl every once in awhile."

Jaden tried to held back laughter at the last part. "That's all huh?" He questioned jokingly.

"I mean, I don't think my standards are too high, right?!" Syrus panicked, much to Jaden's amusement. "...Anyways... do you have a type, Jaden?"

Jaden arched an eyebrow. "A type...?"

"You know... what kind of girls you like. For example: tall girls, short girls, girls with bright hair or dark, etc." Syrus questioned. "Does Alexis fit your type?"

Jaden blushed lightly, guessing that Syrus must've been that bored. Although he never really thought about 'having a type' before, even when he was dating Alexis.

Jaden sat up and looked at his friend. "Well... uh... if she duels that's pretty sweet."

"Besides dueling, Jay." Said the blue haired man, guessing the obvious.

"Uhh... well... I never really cared much about appearance... as long as they're healthy I guess." Jaden answered. "Besides, hair and eye color doesn't really matter all that much am I right?"

"Well I guess you have a point." said Syrus.

Then the brown haired man got serious. "Although... there's things about Alexis that I really love about her... like her long blonde hair to me is pretty cool... especially when she wears it down. There's also her eyes... it's a sweet hazel color, pretty rare too. She's also really soft yet tough... she's caring too, and she always has my back." Jaden explained truthfully. "I also like how hardworking she is... kinda inspires me to be a better person."

Syrus blinked in confusion at what Jaden said, it was actually something romantic and deep. "Whoa... well said, Jay."

Jaden looked at the blue haired man and laughed a bit. "Hehe... look at me, sounding all mushy." He said nervously. "But I guess now that I think about it... Alexis is my type!" He said with confidence.

However little did they know, that Alexis was peeping from the corner, crying tears of absolute joy...

"And you're my type too, Jay..."

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