10. Something Risky

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As the day slowly passed on by, Alexis was on the couch taking time to read her book while the house was quiet. She smiled and savored the memories after a year of marriage with her dearest Jaden.

"Aleeexiiiisss!" Called a voice, interrupting the blonde woman's thoughts.

Speaking of Jaden, he rushed into the room and found his wife on the couch. Alexis worriedly looked at him as he panted from running.

"Jaden, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" She asked.

Jaden then kneeled onto his knees before grabbing onto his wife's leg. Alexis' eyes widened, Jaden looked like he was... almost crying, this worried her.

"Jaden, what's gotten into you?!" She asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

The brown haired man looked up at her. "Alexis... I can't hide it any longer..."

"Hide what...?" She said, perplexed.

"My secret... Alexis... you're not gonna like this but... there were strippers at the bachelor party." Jaden admitted.


"Please, let me explain!" He interrupted, sitting next to her as he held her hand. "I didn't hire them, I swear! It all started like this..."


"I hope you guys don't act too crazy." Alexis said over the phone. The blonde woman was in the bathroom, looking at her reflection while doing her makeup to get ready for her bachelorette party.

Jaden chuckled. "Don't worry, Lex. You can count on us."

"Okay... and by the way... NO STRIPPERS!" She ordered, loud enough for everyone to hear. "...love you."

"Agh... alright I promise!" Jaden replied, feeling his hearing leaving him. "Love you too, Lexy. See ya!"

After hanging up, Jaden looked over at Syrus and Hassleberry who were eating and drinking the party snacks and sake.

"Hey, save some for the rest of us, you two!" Jaden joked.

Syrus continued to munch. "Aw Jay, it's just me, Hassleberry, you and Chazz."

"Shorty's right, besides snacks are pretty cheap in these parts." Agreed Hassleberry. "By the way, where's Private Chazz?"

"Dunno." Said Jaden. "He's been in the bathroom for a good ten minutes I think."

Soon Chazz entered the room with a proud smirk on his face, while the rest of the guys wondered why he looked so... happy. They wondered what Chazz was doing in the bathroom.

"So... had a good dump?" Syrus asked.

"You know I'm gonna ignore that, shrimp, because I just scored some quality entertainment for Jaden's bachelor party!" Chazz explained, trying to sound like the greatest friend you could have.

"Entertainment huh? Well that's nice of you, Chazzy." Said Jaden. "So... what kind of entertainment?"

Soon the door rang, making a smirk appear on Chazz's face. "Oh, that must be them." He said, heading to the door. Chazz opened it, giving a somewhat polite smile. "Well come in, girls! The party's getting started!"

A few young women in skimpy outfits entered into the apartment cheering and screaming like wild animals. They danced their way inside, making Syrus drool and Hassleberry grin eagerly. Meanwhile Jaden was shocked... strippers were in his house, after Alexis' clear and loud instruction.

"What the-... Chazz!" Jaden yelled. "What's this?!" He asked as music started to play and the girls were dancing.

"The entertainment, duh!" Chazz replied.

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