4. Something Memorable

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Nothing but rain clouds filled the skies covering Domino City, as people were trying to find shelter during the excessive rain shower.

A bored Alexis stared out of the window looking in disappointment. "And I thought we were going to the park today..." She sighed as she sat on the couch.

Suddenly she heard a yawn which belonged to her husband, who just awoken from his nap. Jaden stretched his arms and smiled brightly, despite the weather.

"Hey, Lex. Whatcha thinkin about?" He asked, skidding his way onto the couch with her.

"Oh nothing... I was really looking forward to going to the park." She admitted.

Jaden looked at the rain clouds, he did remember yesterday that Alexis wanted to go to the park since she hasn't been in a while. The weathermen predicted a sunny day, but they were sure wrong about it. He looked at his disappointed wife, until he got an idea that he think she'll enjoy.

"Hold on, Lex. I got an idea!" He announced. Jaden stood up and started to run upstairs, much to the blonde's confusion. What would he be going to retrieve, was what she wondered.

A minute later, Jaden returned holding a large, brown scrapbook before sitting down next to her.

"Jaden... is that the scrapbook I made?" She asked.

He let out a chuckle, rubbing the back of his head. "It was buried deep in the closet." He replied before opening it. "I thought you may enjoy a little flashback."

Alexis beamed in delight and started to look through the pictures of the scrapbook, containing memories such as Duel Academy, their dates, and the wedding especially.

She came across a picture someone took of them when they were a tag team, a tear ran down her cheek... and to think, she was going to confess to him that night.

"I'm guessing you remember that moment." Jaden mentioned as he wiped her tear for her.

Alexis nodded. "You returned to your old self..."

"All thanks to you." He finished, kissing her cheek.

The couple continued to look through the book, ignoring the rain outside. While this wasn't Jaden's idea of fun, watching Alexis laugh and smile did enough. That's all he really wanted in the end.

Suddenly they paused at one picture of them at the lake. It showed both Jaden and Alexis soaking wet with smiles on their faces.

Alexis then burst into giggles at the picture, remembering that day that was taken. A day that had to be one of the funniest.

"What? What's so funny, Lex?" Jaden asked.

Alexis smirked playfully. "I remember you lost your trunks that day." She reminded, much to Jaden's embarrassment. "And I saw your cute butt."

Jaden blushed a shade of red that was deeper than his shirt. "I-uh... let's talk about something else!" He suggested. "Besides... it was the same day you lost your top." He added with a sly smile.

"...Let's talk about something else." Alexis agreed, making Jaden smirk, having the upper hand.

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