41. Memory: First Date

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Today Alexis felt as if she had much to take in. First she spent time with Jaden at the beach alone, then she received a kiss underwater, and finally she was now in his car as he drove to the restaurant he spoke about. Her heart fluttered and her cheeks reddened as she looked at Jaden driving next to her.

'He's so focus...' she thought, admiring at how attractive he looked, she wondered why girls weren't bursting down his door like they do with Atticus. 'Honestly... I never knew Jaden of all people would want a car...'

"We're almost there." said Jaden, giving his toothy grin. Jaden soon parked his vehicle and escorted Alexis to the front door. Before he could open the door, the brown haired man paused as he looked at the blonde woman.

"Alexis, are you sure you want to eat here? We can go somewhere else if you want." said Jaden, hoping she wouldn't be disappointed. The place was rather small and quite casual which was something Alexis didn't grow up around.

Alexis smiled. "Of course I want to eat here, I wanna see why this place is your favorite spot. Besides, the food smells pretty good from out here!" Alexis complimented.

This made Jaden smile as they both entered only to be greeted by a middle aged woman. The woman escorted the two to a booth with a wooden table before handing out the menus.

Alexis looked at her menu, which didn't have much. Jaden only placed his menu in front of him, due to actually knowing what he'd like.

"What will you order, Jaden?" Alexis asked, still figuring out on what to order.

"My usual, the shrimp and rice dinner!" he replied. "Gives you a lot for a small price, more bang for your buck I always say!"

Alexis gave a smile 'Same old Jaden...' she thought. "I'll have what you have then with a Shirley temple."

Jaden nodded and ordered for both while he ordered himself a coke for his drink. The duelists both engages in a conversation, catching up on each other's everyday lives as a traveler and a teacher.

Hearing Alexis' time with her students made Jaden even more proud of her. He was happy that she enjoyed her time educating young duelists. She worked hard for her degree which added to her passion.

Jaden on the other hand told tales about his travels around the world helping others. His stories intrigued the blonde. He tried keeping it cool, hoping he'd impress her a bit, but ended up making her laugh at his silly little bits.

"By the way, have you ever been to New York City on your travels?" asked Alexis.

"Yeah, went during last spring. Gotta say it was jammed pack, delicious food everywhere though." he replied before sipping his soda. "And you?"

"Went there my third year of college."

"No way! Did you like it?"

"I loved it!" Alexis replied. "The city looked amazing, at night especially... oh and the Statue of Liberty was really something."

Jaden smiled. "Isn't it? Maybe we can go there again together." he suggested, blushing lightly. Alexis blushed as well, a bit surprised at what he said. While she knew Jaden for years, she wasn't sure about a vacation on their own... then again it kinda excited her a bit.

"Definitely." Alexis replied, erasing any worries Jaden had.

The fried shrimp meal was then served and the duelists continued to talk for a bit before having to pay. Jaden decided to pay for the whole thing before heading out, thanking the woman who served them.

"Mmm... that was tasty as always." said Jaden. "Did you like your meal?"

Alexis nodded. "I had to admit... it was really delicious. I'd definitely go back again with you."

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