14. Something Unconditional

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Alexis sat on the bench at a local park in Domino City. The fresh breeze blew through her beautiful hair, the sun shined above and the skies were clear, making it a beautiful day for the park.

"To think... me and Jaden would finally get a relaxing day at the park..." She wondered, watching all the kids play and run along the grass.

"Hey Lex, I got the ice cream!" Jaden called out, holding two ice cream cones.

Alexis smiled and patted a spot next to her. "Well bring em here, Jay!" She praised.

Jaden sat down and handed his wife a cookies n cream while he held onto the chocolate one. Alexis kissed his cheek as her way of saying thanks before licking the sweet snack.

"Mmm delicious." Alexis praised. "How's yours, Jay?"

Jaden nodded while enjoying his. "Great! I just might get another one!" He joked, making Alexis playfully roll her eyes.

While eating the ice cream, Alexis decided to start a conversation. "So Jaden... have you been thinking about having our own children lately?" She asked.

"Hehe... well... not exactly." Jaden admitted, rubbing the back of his head, hoping it wasn't the 'wrong' answer.

Alexis nodded and looked up at the sky "Well... I was just thinking... I wonder what our children would look like."

Jaden placed an arm around her shoulders. "Hopefully they'll have your looks." He answered.

"What? Why not yours? You're handsome and very good looking." Alexis defended.

Jaden chuckled. "Then they'll be the most beautiful children with you as their mother." He replied. "And... they'd probably get a lot of fans."

Alexis blushed deeply. "J-Jaden..." She muttered. "In all honesty, if it's a boy... he'd probably look like you, if it's a girl... then I guess like me. But I could be wrong, genes are a mystery."

"Are you saying a daughter may look like you but have my eyes?" Jaden asked.

"Exactly or our son may have my hair color but your skin tone." Alexis replied.

"Orrrr our kid could be born with tentacles."


Jaden chuckled. "Hey I'm just saying, what if our kid was born with tentacles instead of legs?"

"Jaden, in what chance would our kid have tentacles?!" Alexis asked. "Unless one of us was part octopus, which we're clearly not!"

"Uhh... fine, what about claws instead?" Jaden asked. "Or a beak!"

"...Now you're just pushing your luck."

Jaden only laughed at her reaction, making Alexis glare but then giggle at her husband's childish ways. She couldn't lie, he made things interesting.

The brown haired man stopped laughing and looked up at the sky. "My point is... I'd love my children no matter what they look like." He said in all seriousness.

"That's a big statement." Alexis commented.

"Wouldn't you?" Jaden asked.

Alexis smiled. "They would be the product of our love..." The blonde commented. Jaden gave a smile from that beautiful statement and embraced his wife, snuggling in the park.

"Still... wouldn't tentacles be sweet?" Jaden asked.

"Don't push it." Alexis deadpanned.


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