13. Something with Needles

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"Jaden? Jaden are you on the phone?" Asked a soft, feminine voice from the phone.

The brown haired man yawned and stretched before answering the phone. "Yeah, mom. What's up?" He asked, feeling drowsy.

Serenity gave her everyday cheerful smile. Ever since Jaden married Alexis and gained a new daughter-in-law, the mother wanted to know nearly everything about their relationship.

"Oh I just wanted to check on you and Alexis." She replied sweetly.

Jaden gave a faint smile, being the momma's boy that he was, he thought it was nice of her to call. "We're doing fine, mom. Our marriage is as sweet as ever!"

"Oh good! I'm really happy to hear such good news!" The mother praised. "Speaking of which, when are you two going to give me grandchildren?"

Jaden immediately froze, completely hesitant on what to say. "Well I... I'm sure Alexis will pop out some little ones, mom." He replied nervously. "Hehe... someday..."

"Oh I can't wait! I'll make sure to definitely spoil them. How many do you plan to have? 1? 2? 3? 10?" She asked, much to Jaden's embarrassment.

"I... mom..."

Later on, both Jaden and Alexis were sitting at the table, peacefully having dinner. After drinking his soup, Jaden looked to his wife.

"So Alexis... you wanted a kid right?" He asked.

Alexis' eyes widened, nearly dropping her cup. "Well... yeah. Someday... as long as it's with you." She replied. "There are just so many things we'd need to plan out and sacrifice before having a baby."

"Like what?" The man asked.

"Well... I'd need to go on maternity leave." Alexis started.

"I'm sure your students will miss you." He commented with a smile. "You are the best teacher at Duel Academy."

"Oh Jay..." she whispered. The blonde returned the sweet smile, but then remembered to stay on the topic. "And we'd need to get check ups, to see if we're healthy."

"...Wait checkups?!"

"...Yes, Jay. Remember I had one on Monday? The doctor said I was healthy but I'd need to get off the birth control pills for a baby." She explained. "And when's the last time you had yours?"



He bowed his head in shame. "...I haven't had one since Duel Academy..." He replied truthfully.

Alexis gasped. "Jaden! That's like seven years ago!" She pointed out. "You have to schedule an appointment."

Jaden sighed. "I just never really liked that place, Lex." He explained. "Besides, I'm already healthy!"

The blonde crossed her arms. "Jaden, I'm going to set up the appointment then. Not just for our future baby, but for you too. It's important to get checkups."

Jaden felt defeated at this point, Alexis had made her mind up. "Well alright, but on one condition. You have to come with."

"What? Why?"

"Because..." He started, turning his head away from her in shame. "...like I said, I hate that place." He replied quietly, embarrassed. Alexis sighed, feeling no choice but to agree on the condition.

After a few days later, Alexis decided to come with Jaden to the doctor's appointment. While sitting in the lobby, Jaden shivered nervously while Alexis sat there calmly. The other people stared at the man, but didn't really care all that much.

Suddenly a nurse opened the door. "Is Jaden here?" She asked.

The brown haired man stood up. "Guess that's me.." He muttered.

His wife stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving a smile. "Don't worry, I'll be next to you to support you." She reassured.

Jaden gave a smile. "Thanks, Lex..."

The nurse made sure to take Jaden's weight, blood pressure, etc which wasn't so bad to him. Alexis watched, feeling proud of him that he was moving through the checkups so quickly.

After leaving the two alone in a room, the nurse went to call the doctor for the final portion of the test.

Jaden yawned a scratched a bit. "Huh... that wasn't bad at all."

"How do you feel?" Alexis asked.

"Great!" He exclaimed. "Are we not done?"

"Well... no. The doctor has to give you a shot." She explained.

Suddenly Jaden turned white as a ghost, the worst part of the checkup. The shot...

"S-S-S-Shot?!" He stuttered, backing against a wall.

A sweat drop fell from Alexis' forehead. "Jaden, yes. You need to get a shot!" She said. "Come on, it only lasts for a second, not even that!"

"Nobody's ever told me about a shot!" Jaden protested.

Suddenly the doctor came in with one of the kindest smiles one could ever have. "Hello Jaden, I just wanted to go over your results." He introduced.

Jaden gulped, trying to sit calmly. "G-Go on..."

The doctor sat on his chair, reading his files. "Well... you are a healthy individual. Your blood pressure is perfect, your heartbeat is fine."

Jaden chuckled nervously. "Hehe... so no shots right?"

The doctor shook his head. "Everyone needs a shot, it's to help your body." He explained before grabbing a needle.

Jaden's eyes widened while Alexis was ready to calm him down. "Jaden... don't worry it'll be over before you know it!"

"I don't care! This is the worst part about checkups!" Jaden protested.

Suddenly Yubel appeared behind him, crossing her arms. 'Fool! You look like a baby, in front of your own wife too! It's just a stupid shot!' She yelled in his mind.


'No not still, you faced more dangerous things before! This is to actually help you! Now be a man and take it like one, is that clear?!' Yubel scolded. 'I'm sure your wife would like to go home already!'

Jaden paused, recalling that he's been acting silly this whole time and probably embarrassed Alexis. He gulped nervously, before putting on a brave, intimidating face to hide any discomfort.

"Alright doc... I'm ready for my shot." Jaden sternly confirmed. Alexis then arched an eyebrow, wondering what got into him. The doctor nodded and approached the man. Jaden took off his blazer, leaving him in a sleeveless black undershirt.

The doctor held his arm, while Alexis gave a smile. 'He's actually going through with it... I'm so proud of him!' She cheered.

Jaden tried his best to look serious while the doctor raised his hand slightly.

"Alright, Jaden this will only sting for a second." The doctor warned. With a blink of an eye, the doctor successfully gave Jaden a shot on his wrist.

However, Jaden couldn't keep his poker face for long, as he then let out a scream for the whole city could hear, which lasted for a few seconds.

After the appointment, Jaden and Alexis calmly walked hand and hand in the parking lot, with a red lollipop in Jaden's mouth, pretending nothing happened.

Alexis shook her head, giving a playful smile.

'I definitely see why he doesn't get checkups...' She thought.

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