30. Someone's Happy New Year

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The end of the year was coming near, as the night sky arrived at Domino City. Jaden was walking along with his wife Alexis, while their young son Tidus ran in front of them, hoping to see the ball drop for the very first time. Tidus was now growing up to be a fine boy much to his parents delight. It was like they were doing something right, at least that's what they thought.

"Mom! Dad! Hurry up!" Tidus exclaimed, cheerfully wanting to arrive at the middle of the city.

"Slow down, honey!" Alexis replied. "I don't want you getting lost in this crowd!"

"Yeah, besides we have an hour left." Jaden added, holding her hand.

Tidus shrugged, then saw an ice cream stand, distracting him. "Ice cream!" he cheered, scurrying along the path as he ran to the ice cream stand without his parents say-so.

"Tidus! Wait! It's late!" Alexis called out.

"I'm sure it'll be fine if he eats late once. Besides, it's a special occasion." Jaden reassured, knowing that his wife hated junk food late at night.

Alexis nodded. "I suppose..."

Jaden squeezed her hand slightly, giving a smile. Alexis approved with a smile before walking over to the ice cream stand.

"May I get an ice cream cone, mom and dad?" Asked Tidus.

"Sure sport, pick any flavor." Said Jaden.

"Hmmmmm... chocolate!" Tidus decided.

Jaden ordered for all three of them and paid the ice cream man before being handed the ice cream cones. The father handed one to Tidus, who immediately dove mouth first into the treat.

"Now what do you say, Tidus?" Alexis asked, holding her cone.

"Thank you, sir." Said Tidus with a face full of ice cream. "Oh! And you too, Mom and Dad!"

"You're welcome." Both Jaden and Alexis said in unison.

Suddenly the parade started to travel on the streets of Domino. People dressed as if they were duel monsters, bands playing their loudest, and a bunch of decorative floats. Jaden held Tidus on his shoulders so the small boy could get a view of the lively parade.

"Wow dad! That's awesome!" Tidus cheer. "I can see the Dark Magician!"

Jaden looked over and indeed saw a man in a Dark Magician suit "Looks like somebody's been brushing up on their Duel Monsters." He commented.

"Oh Tidus, do you see the Blue Eyes float?" Alexis asked.

Tidus looked over and saw a gigantic dragon float with white lightning and roar effects. The boy's eyes were amazed at what he saw, it was like they were brought to life in front of his very eyes.

"This is so unreal!" Tidus commented. "How do they do it?!"

Jaden chuckled. "It was something sponsored by Kaiba Corp."

Tidus looked at the ground, slightly sad from hearing that name. "I wish grandpa and grandma were in Japan..."

"Where did they go?" Alexis asked.

"They went to America to celebrate with my uncle." Jaden replied. "But they'll be back."

"Does America have a New Year's party like this, dad?" Tidus asked.

"Come to think of it... they do." Jaden replied. "I took your mom to New York City a long time ago. They usually have concerts and such. Oh! And they have a ball that drops!"

"We'll have to go someday with you, Tidus." Said Alexis. "But only if you won't run away from us. It's easy for a young boy to get lost."

"Yes, mom." Tidus replied obediently.

Suddenly a giant screen on Kaiba Corp's building showed that the ball was dropping in a minute. The large crowd of people gathered at a street for the perfect view of the ball dropping. The large number on the screen was going down and everyone anticipated for the time to strike at 0.

"You okay up there?" Jaden asked as he held his son on his shoulder. He decided to use his other arm to wrap it around Alexis' waist.

Tidus nodded. "Yep! 15... 14... 13... 12... 11..."

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

The ball that was hanging slowly dropped, confetti and fireworks were on display as the people of Domino cheered.

Music played and everyone hugged, kissed, or drank champagne while enjoying the moment. Tidus' eyes beamed as he witnessed his first New Years party. This was something he wanted the family to do, it was too beautiful not to be a tradition.

"Happy new year!" Tidus cheered.

"You too, Tidus!" Jaden replied. "To another successful year!"

"And we'll have many more to come." Alexis added before getting a kiss from Jaden.

Tidus smiled. "You think so...?"

"Your mom is absolutely right." Said Jaden. "Whatever we face, we'll get through them, and we'll always have many good times!"

"Well can we stay a little longer?" Tidus asked.

Jaden looked at Alexis, in which she approved. "I don't see why not." She replied.

The after party wasn't much, just loud music and a t-shirt cannon. The couple then headed back to the car when they saw Tidus sleeping as Jaden carried him.

After the drive home, Tidus was placed into his small bed. Both Jaden and Alexis slipped into their pjs before joining each other in bed.

"Well that was sweet." Jaden said.

Alexis yawned softly, getting comfortable next to her husband. "Mhm, I missed going to see the ball drop. This should be a new family tradition."

Jaden chuckled. "You read my mind, Lex. Oh by the way..."


Jaden slowly leaned in, kissing her lips before Alexis got caught up in the kiss. The two lasted for a minute before pulling away.

"Happy New Year, Alexis! I love you."

Alexis cuddled close to him, planting a kiss on his nose. "And I love you too... happy new year, Jaden!"

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