6. Something By Love

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"So... tell me how you think it is."

Alexis stood as she waited to watch Jaden tried some of the fried rice she prepared for dinner. She felt less confident in the dish she prepared, being that she never made a decent bowl of fried rice in her life.

"Thanks, Lex!" he praised, grabbing his chopsticks.

Jaden, being himself, immediately engorged himself in the fried rice, however he paused for a second. The taste was... off... the rice was actually charred and smelt funny. At least it was an improvement, last time Alexis made fried rice, the rice was indeed undercooked.

He smiled politely, happy that his wife would take the trouble to prepare something for him, despite the taste.

However Alexis could easily see he was trying to be polite, after years of knowing him, she could read most of his facial expressions. This time he looked nervous while trying to look happy.

"...You hate it don't you." Alexis guessed.

Jaden swallowed the rice. "Well... uh... I mean... it's a bit burnt..." he admitted. "B-But I'll still eat it of course!"

"No, it's okay..." The blonde sighed. "No matter what, I can't make a good bowl of fried rice!" she said, clearly frustrated.

Jaden stood up and hugged his wife. "Now now, Lex... you tried your best and that's all that mattered." he reassured. "Besides, I think you improved since the last time."

Alexis gave a slight pout. Despite this, she was actually a decent cook, both her mother and brother taught her a few tips, mostly because to 'please a man'. Like the saying said: 'a way to a man's heart is through his stomach' and Jaden was a huge eater.

Speaking of her family, Alexis figured out a good idea, however she'd have to turn to someone for help...

The next day, Alexis was at Atticus' pad, sitting on the couch next to her brother trying to explain her situation.

"So Atticus... I need your help." said Alexis. "I need your help on making fried rice."

Atticus arched an eyebrow. "Fried rice huh? I never really see you eat fried rice... unleeeeeesss it must be for Jaden!" he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. "You're cooking for him, aren't you?"

"S-Shut up!" Alexis protested, causing Atticus to laugh.

"Oh, sis. I'm just playing!" Atticus said with a charming smile after laughter. "Sure, I'll help you, I even have the ingredients in the kitchen."

Alexis smiled. "You're a life-saver, brother..."

The two siblings headed into the kitchen. "So, you want to learn how to make chicken, beef, or shrimp fried rice?" Atticus asked.

"Well... how about I start off with some plain fried rice." Alexis replied.

"Fair enough."

The two siblings started to cook with Atticus' instruction. Chopping vegetables, rinsing the rice, heating the oil. Alexis not only learned from Atticus' a more laid back and fun approach, but she also seemed to have a good time learning. The elder brother taught her how to relax while being focused as well and how to be more creative in the kitchen. They ended up making a whole, large pan of fried rice before having two bowls of it.

"So, what do you think of our masterpiece?" Atticus asked, as Alexis started to try the rice.

"...It's amazing!" Alexis praised. "Wow... it tastes even better than a restaurant."

Atticus beamed in delight as he handed her the recipe. "Well I'm glad and I'm sure Jaden will love it too!" he said.


The older brother gave a dramatic point to the ceiling. "You, lil sis, will be making Jaden some rice later on!" he presented. "I mean, this fried rice is pretty delicious if I do say so myself!"

Alexis gave a small smile. "Well... alright." she said, before her smile turned into a look of concern, which grabbed Atticus' attention.

"You okay, Lexy?" he asked.

"Well, I don't know... I feel like I should've learned how to cook fried rice a long time ago, I guess I feel pretty pathetic." she admitted.

Atticus shook his head. "You're not pathetic, Lex. Everyone needs help on some things, whether it's something like cooking for example." he explained. "You are far from pathetic you know."

Alexis gave a small smile and hugged her brother. While he got on her nerves, she couldn't ask for a better brother. After the two released, Atticus stood up and headed to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To the kitchen of course, you gotta take a container to hold that rice." Atticus reminded. "Besides I need to clean up..." he playfully smirked. "because I have a date soon."

"...Another date?" she deadpanned. "Seriously brother..."

Atticus winked. "Can't help it, Alexis. The bachelor life just doesn't wanna leave me!" He replied, causing Alexis to roll her eyes yet smile.

"Same old Atticus..."

Later on held the final moment for Alexis as she watched patiently as Jaden tried the new rice. The blonde prayed mentally for the best results.

After thanking her, Jaden slowly tried the rice, preparing for the taste, however to his surprise... he actually enjoyed it.

"Lex... this is amazing!" He praised.

Alexis' worried look turned into a smile. "R-Really..?"

Jaden nodded. "The rice, the flavor... everything is perfect! I really mean it, Lex. I love it!" He admitted.

Alexis beamed in delight. "Yes!" She cheered.

Jaden immediately started to stuff his face with the rice, making Alexis smile warmly. Her husband eating the new and improved fried rice made her feel happy.

"You really like it don't you." Alexis commented, sitting across from him.

Jaden nodded while his mouth was full. "It's the best!"

Alexis gave a playful smirk. "Well don't forget to savor it, it'll last longer." She reminded. "Speaking of which... did I throw out the rice from last night?"

Jaden paused, with a sweat drop gliding down his cheek, making Alexis raised an eyebrow.

"...what did you do?" Alexis asked.

Jaden laughed nervously, running the back of his head. "Well... I may or may not have eaten it all... for you... love ya." He answered.

Alexis paused, but then shook her head smiling.

"That's my Jaden..."

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