37. Something That Bonds

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"Why are we here again?" complained Jaden.

"My mother's birthday is coming up and we need to get a gift. Besides, you also promised Tidus you'd take him to this mall for the day." Alexis replied as the couple and their son headed inside a large mall.

"But you know I'm not a big shopping person." Jaden defended.

"And you're not a break your promise type, come on Jaden, you don't have to mope every time I have to pull you out of your everyday life to spend time with your son." said Alexis. "Plus this will be a nice friendly outing for all of us."

Tidus felt extremely excited about entering the large mall, his large hazel eyes perked up seeing all the toys especially featured while Alexis' attention was on the giant sale posters.

"Mom, can I play with the toys?!" Tidus asked.

The blonde woman nodded. "Of course, but remember we came to pick up something for grandma, okay?"

Tidus nodded in agreement before running in front while Alexis followed behind along with a grumpy Jaden. The brown haired man sighed, knowing that he'd have to take a rain check from his work. He could remember that promise he made to Tidus, something about if he could beat his father in a duel then he'd take him to the mall.

While Tidus didn't win, Jaden saw an improvement in his son's abilities and decided to take him despite his loss. However he didn't think Tidus would remember... or that Alexis would drag him out of his work.

"Mom, can we go on the train?" Tidus asked, pointing to a small kiddie train.

"Of course. Let's all get on." Said Alexis.

Jaden then faced his wife. "U-uh... are you sure you want to get on? With you being pregnant and all?" he asked, genuinely worried.

Alexis blinked twice before giggling softly. "Jaden this thing goes ten miles per hour tops, I'll be fine." She replied as they got on the mini train.

"But thank you for your concern..." she whispered in his ear, making the brown haired man blush.

The three rode the train while Tidus waved at people as he rode the front cart while his parents rode the cart behind. Alexis smiled, taking photos of her son while Jaden was leaning back, taking a calm nap on the ride.

The family then ventured through different stores as both Tidus and Alexis tried on different outfits while Jaden leaned back bored, although he did appreciate Alexis on cute dresses that showed off her smooth, creamy legs.

While Tidus was changing clothing, Alexis met her husband outside of the dressing rooms with a smile. "You know, I'm proud that you're here with us." she commented. "It really means a lot to Tidus that you kept your promise. He looks up to you, you know."

"He does...?" Jaden asked.

"Yes he does." Alexis replied. "And you know... I know this isn't your thing but at least try to have a little fun. I know there's one thing you like about going to the mall."

"Actually I have something."

"Sure, what is it?"

"... I am kinda hungry." Jaden suggested as his stomach growled.

The blonde woman sighed. "...Why did I even ask?"

"Mmmm... yeah I could use some fried shrimp and rice right about now." said Jaden.


The family headed to the food court as Jaden ate through plates of food. Tidus didn't follow from far behind from his father's eating habits, which Alexis found hilarious.

"And I thought I was the one pregnant." she playfully teased. "You two really know how to put it away."

Jaden chuckled. "You know it! Isn't that right, son?"

"Yeah! When we eat, we don't stop!" said Tidus.

Alexis smiled, seeing her family all together made her feel glad. The smiles, laughter, and fun moments they shared was something that meant the world.

After eating, the family went to the photo booth to take some silly pictures. Much to Alexis' and Tidus' surprise, Jaden wrapped his arms around them, pulling them closer as their faces were squished against one another.

Next the family headed to a large roller coaster outside. Due to her pregnancy, Alexis decided to watch as Jaden and Tidus went on the ride together. By the looks on their faces, they seemed to be thrilled by the ride, especially Jaden.

"Did you like it?" Alexis asked her son as they all sat in the car with Jaden driving.

Tidus nodded. "We went really really fast and I wasn't afraid of anything! I think I had more fun than dad."

Jaden chuckled. "Suuuuure, you didn't hold your arms up when we went down that drop." He replied as he sipped his soda. The brown haired man smirked. "When it comes to fun, no one beats me." He teased. "Just ask your mom."

"Oh you leave me out of this!" teased Alexis as the guys chuckled.

"Anyways... I'm glad we got to spend time with one another as a family." Alexis spoke. "I had a great time with you two."

"We had a great time with you too, mom!" Said Tidus. "So much fun, I think we forgot grandma's birthday present."

"What are you talking about? We went to that store she liked." said Alexis perplexed.

"Yeah but we left after dad said he was hungry. We never even got a chance to look for that dumb old present."

Both Jaden and Alexis froze, shocked that they came all this way to get a present for Mrs. Rhodes, yet they definitely forgot it. The next day was her birthday, making the situation even worse... and they were already halfway home.


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