17. Someone's Mistake

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"I just wanna say thanks again, you two." A blue haired young man said while carrying a box.

Jaden gave a smile while holding a few boxes. "Hey it's no problem, Sy. You're my bro."

"Please stay until your apartment is repaired." Alexis suggested. "It'll probably be a while... but I'm glad everyone was safe from the fire."

Jaden nodded, agreeing with his wife. "Right, besides you'll have a great time at our house!" he cheered. "We could duel, play video games, eat... did I mention dueling?!"

Syrus laughed nervously. "Y-Yeah we can do that... but maybe tomorrow." He replied with a yawn.

Alexis placed a hand on Jaden's shoulder and nodded, making Jaden return the nod before facing his friend. "Yeah, guess you're right."

"Be sure to let us know if you need anything, Syrus." Alexis reminded.

Syrus yawned before laying ontop of the guest bed. "Thanks, Alexis. Will do. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Syrus." Said the couple before leaving.

Before going to sleep, the blue haired young man decided to leave the room to get some water from the kitchen. He decided not to call Jaden or Alexis, considering he knew where everything was, especially something like water. He grabbed a container of ice water before pouring it into a cup and heading upstairs.

However on his way to the guest room, Syrus heard... a bit of noises coming from the master bedroom. This sparked the blue haired man's curiosity, placing an ear on the door to listen.

"Jaden, are you sure we should do this?" Alexis asked with concern in her voice.

"Of course, I mean... we still have time?" Jaden reassured.

"Okay, but we need to hurry, I don't wanna get worn out." Said the blonde woman.

"Oh Alexis, you'll definitely be worn out after this..." Jaden said, which sounded a bit seductive.

Syrus couldn't help but blush deeply. "W-what are they talking about?!" He wondered, deeply embarrassed. Although he had an idea...

"Alright, I found the key, I'll leave it to you, Jaden." Alexis announced.

"Thanks Lex, I promise- aw damn, I think you woke it up."

"Me? That was all you! Wow it's bigger than I thought..."

"Yeah, you know it! Now you remember everything I taught you right?"

"Mhm! Hopefully it'll be better than the last time..."

Syrus felt steam fuming out of his nose. 'Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no...' He coward mentally. Syrus was now listening to his best friend and his wife about to have sex. This wasn't just any man, this was Jaden, who didn't even know what a fiancé was.

Syrus wanted to pry away but he didn't and he couldn't understand why. The thought of Jaden having a sex life was... kinda hilarious to say the least.

"Jaden this is so exciting!" Alexis exclaimed. "I don't see why we didn't get to this level sooner!"

"Just let me know when you get tired, then I'll take over!" Jaden replied with a chuckle.

'Level? ...must be a code word...' Syrus said mentally. He swore he was blushing deeper than the red cup he was holding.

"Oh Jaden I'm feeling overpowered!" Alexis screamed slightly.

"Here, lay down, I'll take over."

Syrus mouthed. "What the hell?" The thought of Jaden having sex was just foreign to him... he couldn't break his curiosity as he nibbled his fingernails.

"Oh Jaden, just continue whatever you're doing!" Alexis cheered.

"You got it, Lex! I'm about to deliver the final blow!" Jaden exclaimed. "Ready?"

Syrus' eyes widened like saucers. 'The... final blow...?' He wondered.

"Almost done Lex..." Jaden informed. "...Annnnnd HA!" He yelled before an explosive went off behind the doors, making Syrus definitely worry. The blue haired man ran away screaming loud enough for the couple to hear.

Jaden paused the tv. "Was that Syrus?" Alexis asked.

"I don't know... but I'll go check on him." Said Jaden before leaving his wife behind. The brown haired man went to check on his friend, however he then saw Syrus packing his things.

"I'm out! I'm out! I'll stay anywhere but here! I'll stay with my mom! Hell I'll stay with ZANE even! I don't care!" He panicked.

"Hey Syrus, what's going on, man?" Jaden asked, coming into the room.

"Oh don't play dumb!" Syrus panicked. "I heard you and Lex having..."

"...having what?" Jaden asked.

"S-se- you know! That thing when a man and woman love each other!"


"Sex, Jay, sex!"

"...Say what?!" Jaden exclaimed.

"Yeah just now!" Syrus replied.

"But we weren't doing any of that..." Said the taller man.

"Jay, I heard you two just now!" Syrus protested.

"Well I don't know what you heard, but me and Lex were just playing a video game just now." Jaden tried to explain.

"Yeah right, Alexis is not into video games." Syrus replied.

"It's true, but I've been trying to get her into video games lately." Jaden explained, holding an active game controller. "We found this key right? Then we had to face a giant boss in the dungeon. Alexis' character died first, so I had to deliver the final blow to destroy the boss."

"But... she said something about running out of time..." Syrus protested.

"Well, we have work tomorrow and we usually like to get to bed a bit early." The brown haired man explained.

"Uh... I see." Syrus muttured.

Jaden chuckled. "What made you think we were... doing that, Sy?"

Syrus shook his head and laughed it off. "Oh don't worry, Jay! It was just a misunderstanding! Forget what I said."

Jaden nodded and started to head out the door. "Well alright, I'll see you tomorrow, buddy." He said before closing the door.

The brown haired man made his way back to his bedroom where Alexis was still waiting. "So what happened? Was Syrus okay?" Alexis asked.

Jaden nodded his head with a smirk. "He was always paranoid... but yeah, Lex. He's alright." He replied. "He uh... apparently thought we were having sex."

Alexis blushed lightly. "W-What...? But we were just playing a game. I don't understand."

Jaden just chuckled. "I'll never know what's going on in his head. By the way... I got a question."

"I may have an answer." She said with a smile.

Jaden slowly leaned to her ear with a seductive smirk on his face. "Why aren't we having sex now...?" He whispered playfully.

"Uh-" All Alexis could do is blush deeply, only trying to wonder that herself...

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