39. Memory: Someone's Heart

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Jaden sighed, as he sat on the chair calmly while his cat Pharaoh laid on his lap asleep. Staring around the living room to see that nothing has changed since he was a child. He preferred it that way, it was one of the rooms that held a lot of memories with his family.

Serenity Kaiba stepped into the living room with a plate of cookies and milk. She placed it in front of the young man before she sat across.

"These cookies smell great, mom." Jaden complimented.

A smile appeared on the middle aged woman's lips. "Have as many as you want, dear." she replied.

Jaden immediately grabbed one of his mother's homemade cookies and started to take bites. Serenity couldn't help but smile at the grown man now in front of her, to think it's been years since he was wearing diapers and clinging on his mother. Now he was independent and adventurous.

Jaden noticed his mother's stare and stopped chewing. "What's up, mom? You look like you got something to say."

Serenity shook her head. "It's nothing... I'm just so proud of you. Duel Academy seemed to help you a lot."

The brown haired man chuckled. "And you weren't going to let me go if it wasn't for dad."

"Oh I didn't know what I was thinking." Serenity joked. "I guess I was caught up in the moment of you wanting to leave for three years." she replied before sipping her tea.

"So, do you know why I called you here, Jaden?" Serenity asked.

"Er... not really sure. I remember you didn't say much, but hey if it's to finish off these cookies then you called the right guy!" Jaden joked.

"Actually, it's about your girlfriend." Serenity calmly corrected.

"Oh, about Alexis? She's doing great." the brown haired man replied. "We've been great, she enjoys her job teaching at Duel Academy Domino District, what's there to talk about?"

"I want to know what caused you to fall in love?" She asked. "You were one to never be interested in dating."

Jaden scratched the back of his head nervously. "Well... I can't really explain how I fell in love honestly... it just happens. I mean... I'm not an expert but I don't think there's a set of rules to fall in love. Who knows, I may just be crazy..."

Serenity nodded before sipping her tea."I don't think there's a wrong answer... I never thought in a million years I'd marry someone like your dad."

Jaden smirked. "Hm? Because he's immature?" he joked.

"Now now, don't say that about your father." Serenity playfully scolded. "You know he's a great man underneath."

"Hm... I guess." he joked before a serious expression appeared on his face. "Anyways... what do you think of Alexis? Based on the times you've met her?"

"Later. I want to know what YOU think of her." said Serenity.

"Guess the spotlight is on me again..." Jaden commented, clearing his throat. "Well... Alexis has a lot going on for her. She was the top female duelist at Duel Academy and did way better than what I did when it came to grades... Now she's a teacher at Duel Academy Domino Division."

"Very impressive." Serenity praised. "You know your father has very high standards when it comes to his staff."

"Yeah... she's also really easy to talk to and the most level headed out of my closest friends. She's really kind... nice smile too, and a shoulder to cry on." he explained.

Serenity gave a playful smile. "If you don't mind me saying... she's also really attractive. Such a beautiful, young woman."

Jaden blushed deeply, not disagreeing to that. "I'll say, but she can be pretty scary too."

Serenity giggled "Oh dear..."

"Yeah, she can get really pissed off, like when her brother takes pictures of us kissing and stuff. I guess it can be a bit embarrassing."

"I'm guessing her brother approves of the relationship?" Serenity asked.

Jaden chuckled. "Oh yeah, he was already talking about having nieces and nephews... which was kinda weird. I haven't even asked her to marry me yet."

"Well... some grandchildren would be nice." Serenity winked. "I could definitely spoil them as long as I live."

"M-Mom!" Jaden stuttered, making Serenity laugh.

Jaden took a bite out of another cookie before speaking again. "You know... there's times that I thought I'd lose her forever..." he said. "And there's times that I've done her wrong... when I lost my passion for dueling... and I don't think anything I could do could fix it..."

Serenity frowned "Is this something you want to get into detail?"

Jaden shook his head and Serenity sighed softly. "Well... if she's willing to date you for some time now... I'm sure she's forgiven you." she explained. "All you can do... is love her. You've told her, right?"

"Of course she knows... I always let her know!" The brown haired man replied. "To think... we've been friends since my first week at Duel Academy and she showed kindness to me... despite me being a Slifer. Hm... there were a bunch of snobs back then."

"I'm impressed that you didn't let your dad tie any strings." said Serenity.

"If it weren't for my pride and grades... I'd probably be a blue." he shrugged, not really caring about dorm status. "I know I'm getting off topic... but... I love her, mom and I've grown to love her even more. In fact... I even want to marry her someday and have her become my wife..."


"You can come out, Alexis." said Serenity with a playful grin.

Jaden blinked twice "Huh?"

'How did she know I was here?!' Alexis panicked mentally while revealing herself nervously to a smiling Serenity and a very shocked Jaden.

Jaden turned around and saw a woman with long, blonde hair with cheeks as red as a rose. "A-Alexis... h-how long have you been standing there?"

"I invited her here." Serenity interrupted as the two love birds stared into each other's eyes from a distant.

Serenity then stood up. "I'll get more cookies, I'm pretty sure you two lovebirds need to talk this out." she offered, patting Jaden on the back before leaving.

Jaden cleared his throat, approaching the woman standing before him. Alexis gave a small, hopeful smile, hoping he wouldn't be mad for spying.

"So... how much did you hear?" he asked.

"Ever since you took your first bite of the cookies." Alexis replied.

"And... how are you feeling?" Jaden asked, blushing lightly.

"W-well... I didn't know you wanted to marry me..." Alexis replied. "I mean I know my brother jokes around about marriage but this is-"

"Alexis, of course I want to marry you someday." Jaden replied. "I don't think we'd be together if we didn't feel strongly about each other... besides... I'm your 'fiancé'" he grinned.

Alexis nearly bursted out in laughter. "You still remember that Duel?"

"Of course." he replied. "Probably one of the craziest duels I've ever experienced... but... I do want to propose to you properly. You know... with a ring and stuff..." Jaden explained.

"Jaden... I will wait for when the time comes."

Alexis grinned, the couple both embraced each other while Serenity spied on the lovebirds, holding a warm plate of cookies. She felt proud as she saw her son in love and embraced by passion. Serenity found herself to be one of the biggest cheerleaders of their relationship.

"I wish you two all the best... and I sure hope to see a few grandchildren." Serenity giggled, smiling at the couple as they went in for a kiss.

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