16. Someone to Dream

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While being in a dark, isolated room was already a nightmare...

Seeing the one your love's lifeless corpse in front of you brought him into shock...

Her long, blonde hair was the only blanket to her lifeless, cold body.

Her once bright, hazel eyes were now empty and shut.

The once beautiful form was now decaying in front of his eyes, slowly forming into dust before being blow away by the wind, making her disappear.

And all he could do... was scream behind a glass prison, calling out her name.

The brown haired man immediately jolted to reality after the nightmare he had. Beads of sweat fell from his body as he panted silently, hoping not to wake up his wife next to him.

However he turned to see she was already up with a concerned expression on her face.

"Jaden..." She whispered.

Jaden sat up and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry Lex, did I wake you up?" He asked.

She shook her head. "I was about to wake you up... you kept talking in your sleep, shifting around... it was like you were having a nightmare."

Jaden sighed and nodded. "I was... it was like... I failed..." he whispered.

"But you didn't fail..." Alexis replied.

He only chuckled, to hide any signs of fear or sadness. "Guess I didn't..."

Although his wife did the unexpected. She pulled his forehead onto her warm chest, allowing him to rest between there.

Jaden's cheeks reddened as Alexis rubbed the back of his hair, although he couldn't help but feel... warm, tingly, and even safe.

Alexis held him closely, giving a small smile. "Don't beat yourself too hard..." She whispered. "No matter the odds... you are not alone..."

Jaden gave a smile, gently kissing the place where he heard her heartbeat before resting.

"I know... I know you're by my side..." He whispered before sleeping, then having good dreams of the future... a future with only him and his wife.

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