32. Someone's Sick Day

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"Drink this, dear. It'll make you feel better." Alexis suggested.

A sick Tidus, who was laying in bed, weakly held the cup and drank the tea slowly. He coughed slightly, disgusted by the taste.

"What is that?" He asked.

"It's tea." Alexis simply replied.

Tidus gagged a bit, making the blonde woman sigh. "Come on, it'll help you rest and get better. Sometimes the things that may not taste good to you will help out in the end." She explained.

"Well... if you say so, mom..." Tidus slowly drank the warm tea, looking disgusted. The tea was a herbal taste, which didn't crave Tidus' craving for sweets. However Alexis refused to allow him to have candy while he was sick. Why should he? It'd only make the sickness worse.

There was a knock on the door, which surprised the mother and son. "Come in." said Alexis.

The door opened and Jaden walked in, holding a stack of tissue boxes, a bowl of chicken ramen, and medicine. The way he balances all that at once was a mystery.

"Got the stuff you asked me to get." said Jaden.

Alexis blinked, her husband carrying all that at once impressed, yet shocked her. "Uh... thanks, Dear. Just put it next to the bed.

Jaden did so and then looked at his son. "How you feeling, champ?" He asked.

Tidus sneezed before Jaden handed him a tissue to blow his nose. "Still sick..." He replied.

Jaden rubbed his forehead. "Guess next time you should listen to your mom about wearing a sweater."

The young boy pouted while Alexis playfully smirked slightly. "Your dad's right."

"But it wasn't that bad!" Tidus protested.

"Clearly it was, or you wouldn't be in bed." Alexis reminded. "Are you feeling hungry?" She asked.

Tidus shook his head. "I'm a bit tired... but thanks."

"No problem." Jaden replied. "Guess we should feed him the medicine then."

Alexis opened the medicine and poured some in a small spoon. She fed Tidus, making him mentally gag. The medicine tasted like cherry candy gone bad. However he swallowed it, for being part of his health.

Alexis kissed his forehead. "It should help you sleep... so you'll be tired for a while."

Tidus yawned and sniffled. He smiled at his parents one last time before officially falling asleep. The couple watched him with a smile before slowly sneaking out of the room, to not disturb him.

"Is he okay?" A voice asked in Jaden's mind. Yubel suddenly appeared with a concerned expression on her face. "He's going to live right? Please tell me he will."

Jaden blinked, pretty sure Yubel was overreacting over nothing. Then again, she treated Tidus as if he was her son, even though technically she was considering she's a part of Jaden. Yubel considered herself to be part of the family and why wouldn't she? She was a very protective individual to Jaden and whoever he loved dearly now.

He gave a smile, standing near his son's door.

"He'll be fine... just one of those sick days."

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