Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 Clara's POV

*2 months later*

Today was a very special day. Not only was I 6 months pregnant, but it was Lily's birthday. 5 years ago, she was a tiny newborn baby, born early morning on the 4th March, and now she's a big girl, with a younger sister on the way. Luckily this year her birthday was on a Saturday so she didn't have to go to school.

I was up early that morning. I had laid all her presents out at the foot of her bed quietly so I didn't wake her up. I was just walking downstairs when I heard a little voice. "Mummy?" it said. I smiled and turned back up the stairs. "Yes pumpkin," I said as I got to her. "What day is it?" she asked me slyly. I smiled, playing along. "Hm, I don't know. Is it Easter? Christmas?" I asked but each time she shook her head. "I give up. You're going to have to tell me," I said crouching down to her level. "It's my birthday," she whispered. I smiled, "Is it? Well, happy birthday then," I said and hugged my daughter tightly. "I love you mummy," she said in my ear. "I love you too darling," I said, "Do you want to open some presents?" Lily jumped with excitement and we entered her room.

The first part of the morning was spent with her opening her presents. She got some from me and the baby, my parents, Danny's parents, Michelle and the kids, Lauren, and Natasha and David. We had family coming over this afternoon, Lily's grandparents, my cousins, and family friends. Tomorrow we would have Lily's school friends found for a mini party to celebrate her 5th birthday.

I took Lily downstairs and picked up the post before taking her into the kitchen. I sorted out her breakfast before sifting through the post, seeing what's mine and what's Lily's. I put all Lily's cards in a pile and started opening mine. There was nothing of interest in my pile, so I sat and watched Lily open hers. She picked up a pink envelope and started opening it. "Mummy, I can't open it," she said. I smiled and took it from her before opening the envelope and seeing what's inside. It was a 5th birthday card with a small package inside. "Will you read what it says mummy?" Lily asked. I smiled, "Of course," I said and walked round behind her.

"To my darling Lily, Happy 5th birthday baby. I love you lots, you mean everything to me. Be good for mummy. Lots of love, Daddy," I said. I was confused. I didn't write that and I wondered who did. It looked like my mums handwriting so I decided to text her. "Can I open the present?" she asked me. I smiled, "Of course," I said. I didn't have any reason to be suspicious so I let her open it. "What is it mummy?" she asked me. I laughed, "It's a CD darling," I said. She smiled and gave it to me. "Can you put it on?" she asked.

I nodded and took it to a CD player and pressed play. "To my baby girl, Lily," the voice said, "This song is for you. I want you to treasure it for your whole life and keep it safe. Stay safe, Lily, and Go Gentle." I instantly recognised the voice as Danny's my heart melted listening to it. Lily and I waited for the next track to start. (A/N: the song is Robbie Williams, Go Gentle. If you haven't heard it, listen to it and follow the words. He wrote it for his little girl)

"For all your days and nights. When you want me I'll be there. When you need me I'll be there for you," Danny sang.

By the end of the song, I was in tears, but I didn't let Lily see. "Lily, you are going to have to keep this very safe. I don't want this to get lost," I said. I then took her upstairs for a bath before getting her dressed into her new dress that she got for her birthday. I checked my phone, and I had a text from mum. 'Yes, I did send it. Tell you about it later x' she wrote. I replaced my phone before getting in the shower and getting ready for the day ahead.

Lily asked to listen to the song again, to which I agreed as I thought it was beautiful. It turns out he wrote the song for Lily. But how mum got hold of it, I'll never know.

It wasn't long before everyone started arriving and Lily got more presents to open. "Can I open them now mummy?" she asked. I smiled, "No, wait until later please," I told her. She sighed before going back to see her family.

The day drew on and Lily had one of the best birthdays ever according to her. She loved seeing her family, and I loved seeing her happy. She got lots of presents which she was very grateful for.

"What was your favourite present?" I asked Lily as I tucked her in. I watched as she thought through ran and every present, although it was clear that there was a winner. "Daddy's song for me," she said. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "That's my favourite too," I said before leaving the room for her to sleep.


What did you think? Sorry it's slightly shorter than usual, I wasn't really sure on what to write. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading.
Please comment and vote.

Erin :)

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