Chapter 10

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This story is set 2 years after the events in In the forest of the night but dark water and death in heaven haven't happened yet. Thanks for reading, it means a lot. Please recommend this story to people. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 10 Clara's POV

When we got home, I went straight into our room and got ready for bed. I sat down at my dressing table and took my make up off. I climbed into bed and sat against the wall. Danny walked in, bringing me a hot chocolate. "Thanks Danny," I said as I took it from him and put it on the side. He climbed onto the bed next to me and I snuggled into his chest. "You really love her don't you?" he asked. "I'm like this every time I see her. She thinks I left her, she still does," I said, "I'm worried Sarah will stop me seeing her." I sobbed into his chest, his arm rubbing my back in attempt to calm me. "She wouldn't do that, if she did, we would find a way so you can see Lily, I promise," he said. "You really mean that?" I asked. He nodded, "of course I do," he said.

*A week later, the first day back at coal hill*

I woke with my alarm beeping loudly. I rolled over and switched it off before turning back around to face Danny. "Danny, wake up," I said sleepily. "Danny," I repeated since be didn't wake up the first time. I sighed, "Danny, if you don't get up now, I will pour a bucket of cold water over you," I said. Danny looked up at me, "Empty threats don't work," he said. I sighed angrily and got up to make a drink.

I was standing in the kitchen watching the news when I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist. I put my drink down then turned to face him. "Are you mad at me?" he asked innocently. "Yes," I replied. I was a lot shorter than him so I had to look up, which made him laugh. "Stop it," I said and tried not to laugh. To conceal my laughter, I buried my face in his chest. "Oh Clara," Danny said rubbing his hand down my back.

I told him we had to make a move because otherwise we would be late for work and considering we were coming together, it would make the kids think even worse about us. 5 minutes before we had to leave, I was just finishing my hair. "Clara are you ready?" Danny called. I walked into the other room. "Yes, are you?" I asked. "Yep," he replied and off we went.

We parked in the teachers car park and got out the car. We walked up to the school together, all the students starring at us. "You'd have thought they would have gotten over it by now," I whispered to Danny. "They're kids Clara, they don't get over anything easily," he said. I smiled at this comment and walked into my classroom, telling Danny I would see him later.

I unpacked everything and got settled back into my classroom just as the bell rang and my year 8 form group walked in. "Hello class, I hope you all had a good Christmas," I said as they got themselves sorted. One, usually very quiet, girl raised her hand. "Yes Olivia," I answered. "Is it true you and Mr Pink are engaged?" she asked hopefully. I sighed, "Who told you this?" I asked her. "Um, Courtney Woods," she replied. I shook my head. "Do you lot want to know a secret?" I asked them and heard a chorus of 'yes'. I laughed, "Yes Olivia, it is true, but you can't tell anyone, ok? That goes for all of you," I said. The whole class burst out into whispers. "Don't make me regret telling you, not a word to anyone," I repeated and let them chat for the last few minutes.

Danny and I had a meeting with Mr Armitage about the year 10 trip at lunch time so I had to eat lunch quickly before going to the meeting. "Ah, Clara, thanks for coming," Mr Armitage said as I entered the room and sat next to Danny. "Right. I believe we are almost sorted when it comes to this trip, however, there is still the date of the trip and the students or teachers to be discussed," Mr Armitage said. "I think we decided on around 5 students each initially, but if we have a higher demand, we may require more staff," he said.

We sat and discussed for around half an hour before we finally agreed on a plan. "Thank you for coming along," Mr Armitage said. "No problem," Danny said. "Oh, and congratulations," Mr Armitage added. I looked to Danny confused, he shrugged his shoulders. "On your engagement," he said. "How do you know about that?" I asked. "The whole school is talking about it," he said. "How do they know?" I asked Danny. "Are we not supposed to?" Mr Armitage said. "No, we haven't told anyone yet," I said. Mr Armitage looked surprised. "I'm so sorry," he said. "No, don't worry about it. We might as well confirm it in assembly tomorrow considering the whole school knows," Danny said. "Yeah, alright then," I agreed.

We left the head's office and found the year 10s waiting outside. "What did he say?" they asked as we left the room. "Um, we're not allowed to say," Danny said. "Aw, please?" they begged. "Nope, just like Mr Pink said, we aren't allowed to say," I added, "sorry." And with that, I walked back to my classroom, with Danny following me.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's so late.
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Erin :)

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