Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 Clara's POV

The weekend came slower than I wanted it to. Danny and I had agreed that we would go and see his family next weekend. He was nervous, and I could tell by the way he was acting that he was unsure about going. I decided to talk to him about it, so I put a film on for Lily in our bedroom and went downstairs to find him.

"Danny," I began as I found him staring out the back door. "Clara, I'm scared. I'm not sure about going to see my parents," he said. I walked up behind him and put my arms round his waist. "I know. It will be a little nerve wracking but we will get through it," I said comforting him. "How did you know?" he asked looking down at me suspiciously. "I can just tell with you," I said.

We sat downstairs chatting for a good half an hour until Danny realised something. "Clara?" he asked me nervously. "What?" I replied. He was getting me scared now. "Where's Lily?" he asked. I laughed, "Whats so funny?" he asked me. "You!" I said. He looked confused. "Lily's upstairs watching a film in our room," I said laughing. He shook his head at me. "I hate you sometimes, you know that right?" he said playfully. "And I love you too," I said before reaching over and kissing him.

*A week later, on Friday night*

After getting home from work, Danny and I got straight to packing our bags. We would be staying in a hotel on Saturday night as the trip would be too much. "Danny!" I called, "Have you seen my jumper?" I shouted down the stairs at him. "Which jumper?" He shouted back. "The black one!" I called. "I put it away in your wardrobe a few days ago!" He shouted. I ran down the stairs. "Did you? Because it's not there," I said stressfully. Danny stepped away from the kitchen counter and walked over to me. "Clara, calm down," he said, "I will help you look. I'm sure I put it in there."

I followed him upstairs and he went straight into our room and opened my wardrobe door. He rummaged through my clothes and found the jumper I was looking for. "Told you I put it in there," he said slyly before walking out the room. I sighed and finished my packing. I went into Lily's room and packed her clothes - I would let her pack her toys and things.

Michelle dropped Lily home not long after and I quickly whisked her upstairs so she could pack everything before dinner. "Lily, you need an early night tonight, we've got a long drive tomorrow, and we need to be up early," I said to her at dinner. She put on a really grumpy face and opened her mouth to say something. "Lily, no buts. Listen to your mum and I please," Danny said cutting in. She sighed and carried on eating her dinner.

Lily went to bed at 8, which was slightly later than I anticipated. I tucked her in and read her a quick story. She was asleep in minuets and I kissed her goodnight before going downstairs. I sat on the sofa cuddled up with Danny until I could no longer keep my eyes open.

*The next morning*

My alarm went off at 8, and I groaned as I switched it off. I rolled over to wake Danny up. "Babe, time to get up," I said groggily. He didn't wake up, as per usual, "Danny, up, now," I said angrily. He eventually awoke, and I wasn't happy when he did. "Morning beautiful," he said when he saw me. "Don't give me that," I said before climbing out of bed and grabbing my dressing gown. "What did I do?" he asked but I just ignored him and went to wake Lily.

"Morning princess," I said as she woke. "Hi mummy," she said with a smile. "Now, you need to be quick this morning, ok? Go downstairs and Daddy will make you breakfast while mummy has a shower," I said as she got out of bed. I gave her a quick hug and sent her downstairs.

I went into our en suit and got into the shower. I tried to be as quick as I could but I kept disappearing into my thoughts. I was out fairly quickly and got dressed into the outfit I had laid out the night before. It was nothing too fancy, but I did want to make a good impression. I had finished my hair and make-up when Lily came into the room. "Mummy, where are my clothes?" she said. I turned around to face her. I stood up from my dressing table and went to her. I lifted her up and sat on the edge of my bed and hugged her. "Are you ok mummy?" she asked. I smiled at her. "I am darling, are you ok?" I whispered to her. "Yeah," she said. I told her to wait in my room while I got her clothes. "You can get changed in here baby," I said before going back over to my dressing table and packing my make-up and anything else I needed.

I sat Lily down and brushed through her hair before going downstairs with her. I sent Danny upstairs to get ready and quickly put some bread in the toaster for my breakfast before joining Lily on the sofa. "Lily?" I asked softly. She turned and looked at me with her soft brown eyes. "We are going to meet Daddy's family today. They will be people you haven't met before, so I want you to be a strong, brave girl. Do you understand?" I asked her quietly. She nodded, "I will mummy," she said. I went back into the kitchen to get my breakfast and re-entered with my toast. "What did you have for breakfast Lils?" I asked her. "Cereal and a croissant," she said while keeping her eyes on the tv. "Cereal and a croissant?" I repeated. "You won't be wanting any lunch!" She turned around suddenly and looked at me as if to say 'mummy, I do want lunch!' I smiled and continued eating my breakfast.

At 9:30, we had all the bags at the door and were ready to go. I smiled at Danny and grabbed mine and Lily's bags and headed out to the car with her in tow. I shoved the bags in the back before strapping Lily in and setting up the DVD player for her. Danny followed us out the house after setting the alarm. He chucked his bag in the back and got in the drivers seat. "Are you sure you're ok to drive?" I asked him. He turned to me and smiled, "of course," he said. He took a deep breath and drove off, beginning the long journey to his family.


So what did you think? I am sorry it's taken me so long to update, I've been getting back into the school routine but I hope that I can update fairly soon. Just to clarify, I haven't specified Clara's surname until now, but thanks to @GraceWhouffle for the idea, Danny, Lily and Clara's surname is Oswald-Pink. Thanks for reading
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Erin :)

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