Chapter 43

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Thanks for the votes and comments. I am back from Amsterdam now so I can update as fast as I can. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 43 Clara's POV

The Easter holidays came and went for Lily, and all too soon, she was going back to school. "Mummy? Why do I have to go to school?" she asked me the first morning back. "Because, you need to learn things, so when you're big, you can work and earn money. Also, if all the little children didn't go to school then mummy wouldn't have a job," I said. She seemed to accept that she was going to go.

I waved Lily off to school, who was going with Michelle, before going to have a shower. I got ready slowly as I knew I didn't need to rush because I had all the time in the world. There were a few jobs I wanted to get done today, one of them including going shopping, another was sorting some ironing, but there were many other small jobs that needed doing.

By lunch time I was shattered. I had been working all morning tidying and cleaning up. I decided to make myself some lunch before going to have a short sleep upstairs.

I hadn't been asleep long when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I sat up and realised what was going on. My water had broken. I was going into labour.

I reached for my phone and rang my mum. "Clara? Is everything ok?" she asked me. "No," I said through gritted teeth as I was having another contraction. "What's wrong?" mum asked worriedly. "My. Water's. Broken," I said in between short breaths. I was only 7 months pregnant, and I was scared.

Mum and dad arrived shortly after I rang them. I had managed to pack a small bag of clothes and stuff for me and the baby and get downstairs. "Are you ready to go?" dad asked taking the bag from me. "Yeah, I think so," I said looking round me to double check before following my parents out to the car.

I arrived at the hospital within 10 minutes thanks to dad's driving. We registered before being taken to the maternity ward, and allocated a room. According to the doctors, I was quite a way off actually giving birth. "How high are the chances that she will survive?" I asked the midwife. "It all depends on the child, by the looks of your scans, I would say quite high, however she is a very small baby," she said. I smiled and nodded, I wasn't as scared now.

I let Michelle know that I was in labour and she said she would come round to pick up my keys so she could grab bits for Lily as I wasn't sure how long I was going to be in hospital for.

"Hi Clara," Michelle said walking into the room. "Hi Michelle," I replied. She didn't stay for long as she had to pick the kids up from school. I gave her the keys and she was on her way.

My contractions were getting closer together, and I knew I would have to start pushing soon. "How are you doing Clara?" the midwife asked as she entered the room. "Alright," I said before tensing up as another contraction came. "OK, let's see how you're doing," she said before checking up on me. "Well, you are nearly there. I'll come back in a bit to see how you are," she said before leaving.

Around 2 hours later, I was told it was time to push. It was the worst pain I had felt in a very long time. "Come on Clara, you're nearly there," mum said to encourage me. I gave one last push and I had done it. I waited silently to hear my baby's cry. I started to panic as she didn't cry at first, but all the nurses were smiling. "Don't worry, she's fine. She's just not a cryer," one of them said which made me laugh. I watched as they wrapped her up in a blanket and passed her over to me. I smiled down at my beautiful baby who was just minutes old.


What did you think? I hope you enjoyed the chapter if nothing else. I should be able to write another chapter over the next few days, however I have managed to sprain my wrist so typing is hard, but I will try my best for you. Thanks for reading.
Please comment and vote.

Erin :)

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