Chapter 25

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Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 25 Clara's POV

It was officially Michelle's first day at work. Danny and I had an inset day, so we were required to go in, however Lily wasn't back until the following Monday. Michelle arrived with the kids at 7, not long before we were about to leave. I had a quick cuddle with Ella before saying goodbye.

"You be a good girl for Michelle please," I said to Lily before we left. "I'm sure she will be," Michelle said and I smiled. "Good, because otherwise you will have to come into work with mummy and daddy," I said. Danny and I said goodbye before leaving for work.

We spent practically the whole day sorting out for tomorrow, which was when the students would be starting the new academic year. We had a couple of meetings, nothing really special, and then we were introduced our new college. I watched from afar as Mr Armitage introduced her to Danny. She was to be the new maths teacher. I looked on and saw the look in her eyes which only meant one thing. I decided to intervene before things got out of hand. "Hi, you must be the new maths teacher," I said as I reached Danny's side. "Yes, I'm Rachel, and you are?" she asked. I could tell from that one sentence that she was someone that I was not going to like. "I'm Clara, head of English," I said proudly. We were caught in an awkward silence when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. "Sorry, I should probably answer this," I said looking at the caller Id and seeing it was Michelle.

"Hi Michelle," I said walking away from them to some place quieter. "Oh, hi Clara. Listen, Jake's not very well, he's got a high temperature. I think it would be best if I take him home, can I drop Lily with you? I wouldn't ask..." she said but I cut her off. "Of course, bring her over whenever your ready. Hope he gets better soon," I said. I walked back into the staff room just as I was saying goodbye.

"Clara, you know our policies on phones," Mr Armitage said as I re-entered the room. "I know, but my friend is looking after my daughter, and her son isn't well. She's dropping Lily round here, is that ok?" I asked desperately. "Ah, of course, no problem at all," he said and walked away. I walked back over to Danny and Rachel. "Are you ok?" he asked. I nodded, "Michele's dropping Lily off here, Jake's not very well. They'll be here soon," I said. I quickly finished the conversation with Danny and Rachel before going to get Lily from the car park.

"Are you feeling ok, sweetie?" I asked her as we walked inside to my classroom. "Yes, I feel fine mummy," she said. I held onto her hand and lead her to my room. "Is this where you teach mummy?" she asked entering the room. "Yeah, this is my room and over there is daddy's," I said pointing to a room down the hall. "Can we go and see daddy?" She asked. I smiled, "Maybe in a bit, darling, mummy's got some tidying to do," I said.

I finished all the jobs as quickly as I could so Lily didn't get bored. When I was happy with the room I decided it was time to go and see Danny. "Come on Lils, lets go and see Daddy," I said before reaching out my hand for her to take. We checked in his classroom but he wasn't there, so I decided we should check in the staff room. All the staff were in there catching up with colleges about their summers. I weaved passed people with Lily in tow.o could hear people whispering about Lily but she and I both ignored them. Lily spotted Danny in the corner and ran over to him. "Daddy!" she said as she crashed into his legs. "Hi princess, are you ok?" he asked as I approached. "I'm fine daddy. Stop asking me that," she said. "But I didn't ask you that before," he said confused. "Not you, but mummy did and I'm fine," she said. I smiled and looked around - everyone was watching us. "Oh, for those of you who don't know, this is our daughter Lily," Danny said to everyone in the room. A chorus of 'aw's were heard, mixed with 'she's so cute' and 'how old is she'. Danny put Lily down and I pulled her closer to me as I could feel her cowering behind my legs. "And I believe a congratulations is in order," Mr Armitage said. He raised his cup of coffee, "Mr and Mrs Pink, and their beautiful daughter, Lily," he said. I smiled to Danny and looked down to Lily. Everyone echoed him before returning back to their previous conversations. "Well, that was awkward," I said.

I scanned the room for Rachel and I saw her in the corner with anger on her face. "Looks like someone's not happy," I whispered to Danny. He followed my gaze to Rachel who was glaring at me. "Don't worry about her, I've only got eyes for you," he said before kissing me lightly. I quickly pulled away, remembering where we were.

Moments later, Rachel came over to us. "You didn't say you were married," she accused Danny. I was shocked, and so was he. Even Lily looked up from her colouring. "You also didn't tell me you have a child," she accused again. i could see the terror on Lily's face as she watched this woman she had never met before talking to her dad like she was. "Well, my personal life has nothing to do with you," Danny said, stating the obvious. "Yes it does, we were meant to be going out for a drink this evening," she said. "No we weren't, we never agreed to anything," Danny said. "Lily, come with mummy," I said quickly. "No, I want to stay with daddy," she said standing up next to him. "Lily, go with mummy please," he said to her. She took my hand hesitantly and looked back at Danny before following me out of the room. "Should we do and get some biscuits and hot chocolate?" I asked her. She nodded, "yes please mummy," she said.

We went to the dining room and I sat down with her at one of the tables. I got us both a hot chocolate and a plate of biscuits to share. "Will daddy be ok?" she asked quietly. "Oh, baby, come here," I said to her. She walked round the table and came to sit in my lap. I pulled her close to me and cradled her while a few tears fell down her face. "Daddy will be ok, I promise. He was in a big room full of people and they will help him if he gets into trouble,bit he won't. Do you know why?" I asked and she shook her head. "Daddy is a brave man, he's a very brave man, and you are a very brave little girl," I whispered to her.

We finished our hot chocolate and biscuits and I checked the time. "Should we go and see how daddy is?" I asked her. She looked up at me and nodded, although I could tell she was scared. "Lily, you can wait outside while I see if he's ok first, would you like that?" I asked her, to which she nodded again. I took her hand and we walked back upstairs.

I told Lily to stand by the door while I opened it to see what was going on. At first, I couldn't see Danny anywhere, but then I saw him sitting on a chair with his head in his hands. I walked over to him and crouched on the floor by his side. "Hey," I said softly. He looked up from his hands and instantly put his head back. "Danny..." I whispered. He didn't look up from his hands, but he spoke. "I'm sorry," he said. "Aw, Danny you don't need to be sorry," I said but he cut me off. "You don't get it Clara!" he said lifting his head up. "Ok, well explain it to me then," I said nervously. I quickly turned to the first person behind me. "Catherine, can you go and take Lily to my classroom please? She can sit and do some colouring or something," I said. She smiled, "of course, where is she?" she asked. "Oh, she's waiting outside. I'll come with you just to make sure she's ok," I said.

I went outside the door to where Lily was standing. She wasn't there. "Lily!" I called desperately. I walked down the hall to see if she was in my room, but she wasn't. "Lily, this isn't funny," I said on the verge of tears. As I approached the staff room again, I saw her frozen backpack lying on the floor. She was gone.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is longer than I usually write, but I hope that doesn't matter. I might have one more before Christmas but I can't be sure that I will get one up. But I hope you all have a good christmas.
Please comment and vote.

Erin :)

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