Chapter 33

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Hope you enjoy the chapter. I am really happy with how many comments and stuff I am getting, it means a lot. Please keep it up, you guys make my day!

Chapter 33 Clara's POV

Before I knew it, it was Thursday. Danny and Lily were at work/school and I needed to do the shopping. I sat down at the kitchen table and made a list. I decided on what we would be having for dinner for the next week, and thought about what else we needed.

As I was walking passed the pharmacy section of sainsburys I noticed something from the corner of my eye. I walked over and tentatively picked it up and tossed it in the trolley. I grabbed everything else I needed and hurried to the checkout. The woman scanned the items and I paid for them before rushing back to the car.

When I got home I unloaded the shopping and put it all away, leaving one item still in its bag. I took it upstairs and went into the bathroom. I took it out of the packaging and glanced over the instructions briefly before following them.

I left it on the side for ten minutes before returning back to it. I slowly lifted the small stick and read what it said. I was pregnant. I smiled and looked down at my stomach, and instinctively placed my hand on it. I walked over to the mirror, stood side on, and pulled my top up. There was no visible baby bump yet, so I presumed I wasn't that far along.

I went downstairs and found something to keep me occupied until Danny came home. I wasn't sure when I was going to tell him, but it would have to be soon. I wasn't sure how far along I was and how quickly I would start to show. I hid the pregnancy test so Danny couldn't find it before I told him. I was scared to tell him, but I knew he would be happy, at least I hoped.

I decided I would continue with my marking to pass the time. I sat at the kitchen table with a glass of water and picked up from where I left off a few days ago. By the time I was done, it was nearing 5 o'clock. Danny was tutoring tonight until 5:30, so he wouldn't be back until 6, and Lily wouldn't be that far off six.

I did some general house work before sitting down at my computer and started researching what to expect during my pregnancy. I estimated I was about two months pregnant. I was shocked I didn't find out sooner, but if I didn't know, I didn't know.

Not long after, there was a knock at the door. I pulled myself up from the chair and went to the door. "Mummy!" Lily said as she saw me. "Hi baby," I replied. "Hi Michelle, do you want to come in?" I asked her taking Lily's bag and coat. "Yeah, why not?" she said coming in with Jake and Ella. We left Lily and Jake to play while we went into the kitchen to make a drink. I stole a hug from Ella who always seemed happy to see me. "Oh, Clara, I've been meaning to ask. Would you mind babysitting the kids next weekend. Steve and I are going out and haven't arranged for a babysitter yet," she said. I smiled, "Of course, I would love to. They can stay here that night if you like," I said wanting to make life easier for them. "Really?" she asked and I nodded. "That will be a great help, thanks," she said.

Michelle didn't stay long as she needed to get Ella into bed but I said we would find time to catch up soon. Not long after she left, Danny arrived home. Lily ran up to him and hugged his legs. "Hi Lil," he said lifting her up and giving her a hug. "Hi daddy," she answered as she hugged his neck. Danny carried her into the kitchen and sat her down on the table before he came over to me and kissed me. "How was your day?" I asked him. "Teaching," he said simply, "And yours?" I smiled inwardly. "Same old really, I've done a bit of shopping so we don't have to worry about dinner," I said putting a shepherds pie in the oven.

We ate dinner together, like we usually do and Lily told us about her day and how much she likes school. "On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like school?" Danny asked her. She thought for a minute. "Twelve hundred and ninety seven," she said proudly. I laughed at Danny's face when she said this as it wasn't a number between 1 and 10, and he was a maths teacher, but we could tell she loved school.

The weekend came so slowly, but I was glad I still had two days before I went back to work. I still hadn't told Danny about the pregnancy. Truth was, I was scared to tell him. Lily was staying at my mum and dads this weekend, from last night to Sunday morning, to give Danny and I some time alone to relax. I was just about to make some breakfast when I realised there was no bread. "Danny?" I asked him. He turned and looked at me smiling. "Will you run over to the shop and get some bread?" I asked. I was still in my pyjamas so I didn't fancy going over. "Of course, beautiful," he said and put his shoes and coat on and headed out to the shops. They were only a short walk away so he would be back soon.

I figured I would tell him over the phone as I was scared so I picked up my mobile and rang him. "Clara!" He said answering the phone. "Shut up!" I replied to try and tell him as soon as possible. "Is that how we communicate now?" He joked. I sat down on the bed and cradled my stomach. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I need to talk to you," I said urgently. "Alright, well I'll be there in a couple of minutes so," he began but I cut him off. "No, no, not while you're in the room," I said suspiciously. "Oh, stupid me. The very idea," he joked. But I wasn't having it. "Shut up!" I repeated to which he replied "Ok." I got slightly mad. "Stay shut up!" I said again. "Ok," he said surrendering.

"Things to say, not all of them good," I admitted rubbing my tummy. "Oh, wouldn't it be better if I was actually there?" He asked. I felt bad. Deep down I knew it would be, but I wasn't sure I could tell him face to face. "Oh, Danny, everything's better when you're here, but maybe, maybe not this. Ok, er, ok. Before all of that. Before all of the stuff that I did wrong," I said hesitating. I was nervous, there was no doubt about it. But I had to tell him. "I love you," I said simply. "I love you," he replied after I said it. "No, not like that. Not like it's automatic. Not like it's how you end a phone call, the sign off, the pat on the back," I said to him. "Clara," I heard him say but I interrupted. "Danny, I'll never say those words again. Not to anybody else, ever. Those words, from me, are yours now," there was a long silence. I was waiting for him to reply, but he didn't. "So, er, that's a thing," I continued, "ok, Danny? There's more but that's kind of the headline. Ok, Danny, please speak to me. This is, this is killing me," I said.

I waited a short while, but no answer came. "Danny, I love you. And you are the last person who is ever going to hear me say that," I said. Moments later I heard something from the other end of the phone. "Hello? Hello, is someone there?" The woman asked. I was starting to get worried. "Hello? Er, yeah. Who's this?" I asked cautiously. I could feel in the pit of my stomach that something wasn't right. "I just picked up the phone, I'm sorry. I found it," she replied. My heart was beating harder and faster. I was scared. "Oh, um ok. Can you please just put me back on the phone to Danny? I was talking to Danny," I said as calm as I could. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," the voice said. My heart was literally going to burt if it got any faster. "Ok, what are you sorry about? Can you please just pass the phone back to-" I started, but I was cut off. "He was crossing the road," she said, "I found the phone, it must've been thrown. The car, it just came out of nowhere. I'm so sorry," she said.

I ran to the entrance to the park I guessed he was at. I was right. "Let me through," I screamed to the police officer. "I'm his wife, let me through," I repeated sobbing my eyes out. The police officer nodded and allowed me to cross the line. "The woman is his wife," he said. They lead me into the ambulance where Danny was, they were just about to go to the hospital. "You can ride with him if you like," the police officer said and went to tell the ambulance driver. I climbed into the back of the van and sat down next to Danny. I grabbed his hand. As I looked him up and down, I saw he had a lot of blood dripping from his face. I squeezed his hand gently, "You're going to be ok," I whispered to him. Maybe it was to reassure him, or me, but I couldn't tell.

At the hospital I had to wait outside so they could properly examine Danny. I used this time to call my mum. "Hi mum," I said trying not to cry. "Clara? What's up?" she asked obviously scared for me. "Um, Danny's been hit by a car, I'm at the hospital now," I said, a single tear rolling down my face. I heard her gasp. "Oh Clara, that's awful. I won't tell Lily yet, we will have to see. Would you like me to tell your dad?" she said, still very shaken. "Yeah," I said softly. "Stay strong, I'm sure he will be ok," she said. "Thanks," I replied, wiping the tears away, "I've got to go now, the hospital want to talk to me." I said goodbye before hanging up the phone and walking over to the nurse who was waiting to see me.


Sorry it took so long. I was away all weekend and my internet was down. But I have given you a long chapter to make up for it. I know you are probably going to kill me for this - but please don't stop reading. It will have a happy ending, don't worry. Thanks for reading, and waiting!
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Erin :)

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