Chapter 4

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I'm trying to do a chapter a day at the moment, but when I go back to school I will do a chapter probably every 2-3 days. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 4 Clara's POV

I felt so bad for Danny. The Doctor was still here when we got home and got annoyed because Danny proposed to me. I was still angry at him, the Doctor I mean. I had poured Danny and I a glass of wine and we were currently snuggled up on the sofa in front of the TV. Neither of us were really paying attention to it though.

After around 5 minutes silence Danny spoke. "What's wrong?" he said looking down at me. My head was rested on his chest. I looked up at him. "No..." I began. "The truth Clara," he insisted. I took a deep breath. "He didn't care. He didn't care that he had been gone for 2 years. I mean 2 years is a long time. You don't just forget about someone in 2 years," I said waffling on. Danny started stroking my hair to calm me down. "It's ok, listen, it doesn't matter that he didn't care. Honestly, you'll be fine without him, you were fine without him," he said. I could see his point. I sat up off his chest. "You're right, I'm worrying about nothing. I think it's time I gave up the TARDIS. For good," I said before giving him a quick kiss then lying back down on his chest.

Around an hour later Danny decided it was time to leave, as we both had a meeting tomorrow morning. "What have you got first thing?" I asked him. "Free period, then year 9. You?" He replied. "Um, year 10 then year 11. You're lucky, they gave you the nice classes and timetable," I moaned. "Well, you become a maths teacher, and you get the nice timetable," he joked. "Maths teacher? I thought you were a PE teacher, at least that's what an old friend told me..." I joked. Danny pretended to look hurt and upset but it didn't work as he started laughing. "It's not funny," he said. "It is, a little bit, you just don't want to admit it," I said. As we said our goodbyes I opened the door for him, and once he was out of sight, I closed it again.

*The Next Day*

I woke with my alarm at 6:50, and remembering the night before, I looked down at the ring on my left hand. I smiled to myself before going into the kitchen and making a cup of tea.

I drank my tea and ate my breakfast to this mornings news, none of which was really interesting. I then hopped in the shower and got changed ready for work. I put a little bit of make up on and straightened my hair so I looked presentable. I quickly grabbed by bag and the kids' school work and left the flat.

I got to work slightly late due to the fact that the traffic was so bad. I parked the car and got out, just as Danny pulled up next to me. "Good morning Miss Oswald," he said as he got out the car. "Morning Mr Pink," I giggled. We walked into the school gates together, and I felt the familiar stare of the students as we walked into the building. "They know something's up," I said. Danny laughed. "They've known something's up for 2 years now," he said as we walked into the meeting room.

The meeting was a lot quicker than I expected, which wasn't a bad thing, so I had time to set everything up for the first lesson. I had just finished putting the last few books away when the bell rang and my year 10 class walked in.

The lesson dragged on and on and all I could think about was Danny. Every once in a while the students would put up their hands and ask about us. Not that I have favourites, but this year 10 class was my favourite. This was the class Danny and I took to London when the trees suddenly grew overnight. Strangely, the kids don't remember the trees, they remember everything else, but not the trees. "Miss? Can we have another sleepover? Like the one before?" Ruby asks. I smile, they loved that sleepover. "Well, Ruby, I think you might need to ask Mr Pink that one," I said with a smile. They sighed. "Please?" they all asked together. "I will talk to Mr Pink and Mr Armitage but I can't promise anything," I said. I have to admit it was a fun trip, and was very educational.

I decided I would tell Danny about what Ruby said at lunch as that was one of the only times we see each other during the day. I was sitting in my classroom marking the year 10's homework when I heard a knock on the door. "Danny! Hi," I said surprised. I stood up and he walked into the classroom closing the door behind him. I lent against the front of my desk while he sat on one of the tables. "How's your day been?" I asked. He thought for a moment, "Alright, yours?" he replied. "Good. Listen, I need to ask you something," I began, "Ruby and the other year 10's in my class want to do another sleepover," I said. Danny laughed, "are you serious?" he asked. I replied with a nod. "But, I was thinking that because they are more mature now, maybe we could camp in the woods, properly," I added when I saw his face lighten up with laughter. "Yeah, sounds good. We need to speak to the head about it though," he said. "I know, I know, I just wanted to ask you first," I said with a smile. He nodded in agreement and we began talking about other things.

I had year 7 straight after lunch which wasn't too bad. We were studying A Christmas Carol, which was one of my favourite books, so I did enjoy the lesson. To finish the day, I had a free period, which meant I had time to mark the books before year 7 parents evening later that night.


Sorry, this one was quite boring, and it's more of a filler chapter, nothing much happens.
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Erin :)

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