Chapter 39

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Chapter 39 Clara's POV

I expected Lily to wake me up really early, but she didn't so I was happy. She was sleeping at the end of my bed on a blow up mattress because there wasn't enough room in the house for her to have her own room. "Mummy," Lily said, "mummy, wake up, its christmas." I woke up slowly and turned around to face Lily. "Happy christmas beautiful," I said. She climbed onto my bed and laid down in it with me for a while. "Happy christmas mummy," she said. She waited a moment before saying, "Can I open my presents now?" I laughed and told her to get her stocking from the foot of her bed. She jumped down and tried to lift it but failed. "Mummy, it's too heavy," she said. Reluctantly, I got out of bed and lifted it up. Lily sat opening her presents from Santa on my bed.

Once everyone was awake and ready, we were allowed to go into the living room. Lily was allowed to open the door, except she couldn't so I had to help her. Lily's eyes widened when she saw all the presents in the living room. We went in and found a place to sit down before opening the first present.

When all the adults were done opening presents, I pulled Lily away from her toys to get the cards from my handbag. "Go and give this one to grandma, and this one to Auntie Natasha," I instructed. She remembered to give the right card to each person and I called her back to stand with me. Mum put here to the side. "No, grandma, open it now," Lily told her, which made everyone laugh. They did as they were told and opened the card. I smiled down to Lily and pulled her onto my lap. I heard several gasps from the adults so I looked up. Mum and dad were smiling and Natasha was showing David the picture. "Congratulations, Clara," mum said pulling me into a hug. I was then congratulated by all the members of my family. "How far along are you?" Natasha asked. I smiled, "About 3 months," I said. I turned around to see Lily had gone back to opening presents. "Is it a girl or a boy?" mum asked. I smiled, "You'll have to ask Lily that one," I said and turned to Lily. "Lily, are you going to have a baby brother, or a baby sister?" I asked, hoping I got the right answer from her. She lifted her head up, "A baby brother," she said. A chorus of aw's were heard, but I was laughing. "Lily May, you know that's not true," I said to her. "It's a girl?" mum asked quietly and I nodded.

My whole family was really excited about my pregnancy. I had been living knowing for a month, and been pregnant for 3 months so I was kind of used to it now. I discovered I wanted all my friends to know, so I posted it on facebook.

Along with a picture from my latest scan, I wrote: 'So happy to finally share my news. 3 months pregnant, baby girl due early June. Xx' I was happy with this so I posted it. Within half an hour I had so many likes and comments that it was unbelievable. Most of them said how happy they were for me, and how supportive they were.

The rest of the day was spent with the family. We played games, slept, and most importantly, enjoyed christmas dinner, that I didn't have to cook! Now that was a disaster!

"What are you doing for new year, Clara?" dad asked at dinner that evening. "We're going to Danny's parents," I said taking a sip of my drink. "Aw, how sweet, when do you go?" mum asked. I thought, trying to remember what we had planned. "We leave here in two days, have a few days at home, and go up on the 30th," I said.

The conversation turned into what everyone was doing for new year, and what everyone was doing in the new year. Natasha and David were moving. They had found a house that was halfway between mine and my parents. It was good because it meant they weren't so far away. (they used to live 2 hours away)

I had just received a text from George stating that Angie and Artie were free in the lead up to new year, so he wondered if Lily and I wanted to see them. I suggested they pop round on the 28th so we could give them their christmas presents.

It was 10 o'clock and Lily still wasn't in bed. "Right, come on you, bed time," I said standing up. "No, I don't want to," she said. Lily was never really difficult. I don't think it helped that she was tired. "Lily May, bed, now please," I said sternly. She looked up at me from the floor. "No," she said again. I sighed giving up. "Fine then, suit yourself," I said walking out the room to get a drink. When I came back in, Ly was still sitting on the floor. I ignored her and went to sit down on the sofa. "Lily, do as mummy says," Natasha said to try and persuade her. She shook her head. She wasn't going to bed any time soon.

I decided I would go to bed as I was pretty tired. "Night everyone," I said leaving the room and heading upstairs to bed. I had just got into bed and was about to switch my lamp off when the door opened. It was Lily, and she had obviously been crying. "What's the matter Lily?" I asked her softly. She walked into the room sniffing. "I'm sorry mummy," she said walking over to me. I bent down and hugged her. "That's ok princess," I said, "Are you ready for bed?" She shook her head before getting changed into her pyjamas. "Now I am," she said and I switched the light off and went to sleep.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I didn't particularly like this one, but hey ho. Thanks for reading.
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Erin :)

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