Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 Clara's POV

Lily's birthday came and went like any other day. She enjoyed having her friends round the day after, yet she said she preferred her actual birthday.

It was now the last day of term. Lily finished school for Easter last week. It's also the last day for me before I go on maternity leave. I was getting closer to 7 months pregnant. I was getting really excited now, as my daughter could arrive any day. We have been to regular hospital visits, baby is doing fine, she's healthy, yet she is quite small, but the doctors say she is fine.

As I walked to the hall for assembly I started feeling rather sad. I realised this would be the last time I would be walking this route at this time for a long while. I also realised that this would be my last assembly in the school. All in all, it was a very sad day.

As it came to the last 15 minutes of the day, my class were getting upset. "Miss, will you bring her in to show us?" they called. I smiled, "Of course. As soon as I get the chance I will pop in to see you all," I replied. I continued answering their questions, and, if I'm honest, I was starting to tear up. The final bell rang signalling the end of the spring term. The majority of my class got up and left after shouting a quick goodbye before being whisked off by their friends.

A few girls from my class stayed behind. I left them to get on with whatever they were doing and started packing my things up from my classroom, with the occasional tear rolling down my face. "Miss?" Emma asked making me turn around. "Yes," I said wiping my tears away. "We've got you something for the baby," Izzy said. I smiled, "Oh, girls, you didn't need to do that," I said. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes again. "We know, but we wanted to," Angelina said. I smiled and took the presents that the three of them gave me. I went to put them in my bag, but they stopped me. "Open them now," they said. I smiled before leaning against my desk and opening them. Emma had bought a small pink rabbit. It looked like one Lily used as a baby, but in pink. Izzy bought a cream pair of mittens and a hat, and finally, Angelina had got us a pink baby grow that read 'I love mummy' in fancy writing. "Oh, girls, this is wonderful. Thank you so much," I said before hugging each of them.

I let them go home as I knew their parents would be waiting. I put the presents in my bag and gathered up the rest of my stuff from my classroom before heading to my office.

I picked up everything that I could see that I wanted to take home. The supply teacher who will be covering my lessons will be using this office, so I kinda want to take most of it home.

As I was gathering up the last few pieces, there was a knock at the door. "Come in," I said sadly. I turned round to see Lauren standing in the door way. "Hey," she said simply. I smiled and laughed a little, "Hey," I replied. She smiled back before coming in the room and hugging me. "I'm gonna miss you," she said. I laughed, "Lauren, you sound like one of my class," I joked, "You can come and see me anytime, they can't. Although I promised I would bring baby in to school to show her off, as they say." Lauren and I sat and chatted for about half an hour before I realised the time. "I should probably finish up here. I'll pop into the staff room to say bye to you all when I'm done," I said before Lauren left and I continued gathering all my bits and bobs.

I was done in no time and decided I would say my final goodbyes to those left in the staff room. As I walked in, cheers erupted from the staff. "We will miss you!" they shouted. I looked around the room. My eyes stopping at one person in particular.

"So, how've you been?" he asked me. "I've been alright," I replied not wanting to look at him. "Clara," he began. "No," I said, "Just no. Not yet ok? It's been over 3 years since I saw you properly and I've lost my husband and am 7 months pregnant, and have to look after a five year old. Don't you start on me," I said quietly so no would hear. He sighed, "Danny's dead? You have a five year old?" he asked. I sighed and shook my head. "Yes and yes. You met her remember?" I said. He paused. "Did I?" He asked and I glared at him. "Sorry, I delete people from my memory," the Doctor said. I very nearly lost it with him but then I remembered I was 7 months pregnant and at my leaving party.

The doctor didn't stay long, although he promised he'd be back soon. I'd been at the party for an hour now, and I decided it was time to go as I needed to collect Lily. Before I left, my colleagues presented me with gifts for the baby. I said I would open them at home as I needed to get Lily.

As I drove to Michelle's, I couldn't help but think about all the times I spent with the doctor. And before I knew it, I was there. I got out the car and went to Michelle's door. I didn't stop long as I could tell Lily was tired and I wanted to get an early night as I hadn't been sleeping well due to a certain someone keeping their mummy awake.

We got home as fast as I could drive and Lily fell asleep in the car so I had to carry her up to bed which took a while. I decided not to open the presents from the staff as I wanted Lily to help me, but seeing as she was asleep, that wouldn't be possible tonight. I tucked Lily in, but followed soon after, unable to keep my eyes open any longer.

Hey guys,

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry about the long wait I've been caught up with homework. I go to Amsterdam tomorrow (Thursday), so updates will slow down for the next few days as I'm not sure on how much time I have to update, but I wanted you to have a chapter before I went! Thanks for reading.
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Erin :)

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