Chapter 34

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There was a bigger uproar than I expected on the last chapter! Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 34 Clara's POV

I slowly walked over to the nurse, fear running through my whole body. "How is he?" I asked quietly. She smiled at me but shook her head. "He's not doing well," she admitted, "he's broken a few ribs, and we expect him to have some brain damage. We're not sure that he's going to make it at this point," she answered truthfully. I stood there in shock. "Can I see him?" I asked hopefully. "Of course," she replied, "follow me." I followed her into Danny's room and I instantly went and grabbed his hand. I sat down on a chair and sat and waited.

A few hours later, he began to stir in his sleep. I stood up and shouted for someone to come and help. I wanted him to wake up. I needed him to wake up. "Danny?" I asked when he opened his eyes. "Clara," he breathed out. He had really shallow breathing and he wasn't able to talk much. "Come on, Danny, you need to pull through. I need you, Lily needs you, you're family needs you. Just please, please try. For me," I said softly. He nodded slowly. "Of course, for you, I will do anything," he whispered.

Shortly after, the nurse came back in to check his condition. "He's not doing very well. He will be really lucky if he can pull through," she said to me after the examination. I nodded, tears filling my eyes. "What should I do?" I asked her, my voice breaking. "If I was you, I would start saying goodbye. His heart isn't functioning properly, which limits his chance of survival," she said. I nodded and walked back into the room, wanting to spend as much time with Danny possible. "Clara," he began but I interrupted. "Danny, shh, it's ok, I'm here. I'm never going to leave your side," I said. "No, Clara, I can't do it. The pain is too much" he grasped. I nodded, tears welling up again. "Then let go. Go with the pain," I cried softly. "I can't, I need to be with you," he said. "I need to be with you too, but I want you to do whatever you think is right. Not based on my opinion, or anyone else's. I love you Danny Oswald-Pink," I said to him. "I love you too Clara Oswald-Pink," he said.

That was the last sentence I ever heard him say.

Back at home I felt empty. The house was too quite I was currently lying on our bed, on Danny's side inhaling his scent. I needed to go and pick up lily tonight. I wasn't going to stay at home alone. I reached for my phone and dialled my mums number. "Hello?" Asked the voice picking up the phone. "Hi mum, it's me," I said. I took a deep breath and continued listening. "Hi love, How is he?" she asked nervously. "He, er," I said, tears rolling down my face, "he didn't make it." Those words rang through my head. "Oh Clara, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?" she asked gobsmacked. "Um, yeah, there is actually," I said drying my eyes. "Can I come and pick Lily up tonight? I need to tell her what's happened," I said. "Of course, what time will you be over?" she asked me. I thought and looked at the time. "I'll leave in about 5 minutes so I guess I'll be there in about half an hour," I said. We said that I would stay over at theirs tonight, so Lily and I weren't alone. I quickly ran upstairs and shoved my pyjamas, clothes and toiletries in a bag before running back downstairs and putting my coat and shoes on.

I drove to mum and dads as quickly as I could but still wanting to be careful. As I got to the house, I parked up and grabbed my bags before heading in. I knocked on the door and waited for them to open it. "Clara," my dad said as he opened the door for me. "Hi dad," I said, tears welling up in my eyes. "Lily, Mummy's here," he called as he hugged me. I heard Lily come running to the door. "Hi beautiful girl," I said as I lifted her up and held her close to me. "Hi mummy," she said with her head in my neck.

I went into the kitchen and said hi to my mum. "Have you called his parents?" she asked me. I shook my head, "no, the hospital did," I said sipping my cup of tea. Just then Lily came and joined us in the kitchen. "Mummy, where's daddy?" She asked me. I looked at dad then mum. "Lily, come with me," I said and lead her to the living room with my parents following. "Sit down sweetie," I said and she sat on the sofa next to me. "Darling, daddy was in an accident. He got hit by a car," I said softly, trying not to cry. "Where is he though?" she asked innocently. "He's gone to live with mummy in the sky," I said. I watched as Lily tried desperately not to cry, but couldn't stop herself. "Come here baby," I said pulling her close to me.

I sat there comforting a crying Lily, trying not to let my emotions out too. Lily lifted her head up and looked at me. "Is daddy dead?" she asked with a tear stained face. I nodded, "yes, but it doesn't mean he doesn't love you, ok? He is looking down on us from the stars, he is always watching us," I whispered to her.

We ate dinner and Lily and I went up to bed. She was sleeping in the room with me, as she wanted to keep me company. I lay down on the bed with her and sang her off to sleep. I was also tired, so I decided it was time to get some sleep. I laid down in bed and closed my eyes. But I ended up crying myself to sleep.


What did you think? Please don't stop reading because of this - it does have a happy ending. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Please comment and vote.

Erin :)

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