Chapter 12

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I have changed my username - I do that a lot as I can never settle on one!
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy this chapter. There is a preview for the Christmas special on Friday 14th November on BBC1 at 7:30 for Children In Need.

Chapter 12 Danny's POV

After Clara had left, I got up and made Lily some breakfast and a hot chocolate. "Right, Lily, what do you want to do today?" I asked her while she was eating her breakfast. "I want to go to the park, then I want to make Clara a cake," she said. I smiled. "Ok, we might need to go to the shops then. If you finish that then get ready we can go shopping," I said. I didn't really know Lily so it was kind of hard for me to connect with her, but she is a lovely girl and as long as she and Clara were happy, I was happy. I was going to talk to Clara about letting Lily call us mum and dad, if she wanted. I just wanted to make things more normal for her.

Lily finished her breakfast and I went to get her some clothes. I decided on jeans and a jumper then let her get dressed while I had a shower. At the shops, I let Lily choose something for lunch as I wasn't sure on what she liked and didn't like. She decided on margarita pizza which was easy as I only had to put it in the oven. Lily wanted to make chocolate cake, but I didn't know the recipe so I had to look it up on my phone. When we had everything, we went to the checkout before heading back home.

At home, I put the pizza in the oven and let Lily watch some TV. After lunch, I took her to the park, where I got a lot of strange looks from the people I know in the village as they have never seen me with a child before. I ignored them and continued pushing Lily on the swings as she kept yelling higher.

Back at home, we only had a short while before Clara was due back so I helped Lily to make the cake. "Wow, Clara will love this, Lily," I said, "Now, why don't you wash your hands so we are ready for when she gets home." Lily did as I asked then came back to watch me take the cake out of the oven, smelling the freshly cooked chocolate cake. "Yummy!" she said and I laughed. "Will you watch TV with me?" She asked me. "Of course, what do you want to watch?" I said going to put the TV on. "Up!" she shouted. I laughed, "Ok, ok, give me a moment," I said and looked through the bag of her stuff to find Up and put it on. I sat on the sofa and Lily climbed on next to me. She snuggled up into my chest and I put my arm around her.

We were halfway through the film when Clara came home. Lily had fallen asleep while watching the film. "You've had a busy day," she said when she saw Lily. "Yeah, we have, but I'll let her tell you about that," I said. Carefully, I stood up and put Lily back down on the sofa. "I've been thinking, however this is completely up to you, what would you say to Lily calling us mum and dad?" I asked her. She smiled, "I was thinking the same thing. Last night she asked us if we were going to be her mummy and daddy so I think that's what she wants to call us. I spoke to the police at lunch time, they will come over tomorrow to talk about Lily and what she wants," Clara said. I smiled, "Ok, dinner's nearly ready so you might want to wake Lily," I said.

Clara went over to Lily who was still fast asleep on the sofa. "Lily, dinner's ready darling," she said. Lily slowly woke up and suddenly got a load more energy when she saw Clara. "Clara!" she said. "Hey Lils, did you have a good day?" Clara asked pulling Lily onto her lap and giving her a cuddle. "Yeah, we went shopping, then to the park, then made a surprise for you then watched up," she said. Clara smiled, "Wow you have been busy," she said.

After dinner, Lily got up to help me bring out the cake. "Is this what you made?" Clara asked her. She nodded, "Wow, Lily, that looks fantastic," Clara said. We cut into the cake and it ate it. For a first attempt it tasted pretty good.

Clara tucked Lily into bed and came out into the living room. She snuggled into me, my arms wrapped around her. "Thank you," she said. I was confused. "What for?" I asked. She looked up at me, "Doing this, being a perfect dad and a perfect fiancé," she said. I smiled down at her, "my pleasure and thank you," I replied.


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Erin :)

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