Chapter 28

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I'm back home now so I can update the story. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 28 Clara's POV

The next day Jake still wasn't very well, and seeing as it was my day off, I was staying at home with Lily. The rest of the coal hill students were going in today and I would miss it. I didn't wake Lily up early, as she had a very late night last night. Danny only had 4 lessons today, all of them in the morning, so he would be returning shortly after lunch.

Lily woke up at 11, which gave me time to get the house straight. "Morning darling," I said as she came down the stairs. "Hi mummy," she said and walked straight to me. She wrapped her arms around my legs and hugged me. "What's the matter Lils?" I asked picking her up. "I'm just tired," she said. I made her some breakfast then sent her to get ready.

A few hours later I made Lily and I some lunch. We had just sat down at the table when Danny walked in the door. "How are my two favourite girls?" he asked coming in to the kitchen. "Daddy!" Lily called and ran over to him. "Hi princess," he said lifting her up. He put her back down and she came back over to have some lunch. Danny walked over to me and put his arms around my shoulders. "Hey babe," he said kissing my forehead. "Hi handsome," I said. "How was work?" he sighed. "The same as usual," he replied.

I had finished clearing up after lunch when Danny came back into the kitchen after changing from his work clothes. "Clara, can I speak to you about something?" he asked. I smiled at him, "Of course," I said and went to sit down at the kitchen table, Danny following on behind me. "I've been meaning to talk to you about this for a while now, but I have decided that I want to try and see my parents again. At least update them on how I am, and tell them about you and Lily," he said nervously. "Aw, Danny, I think that's a lovely idea. As long as it is what you want, and not what you think we want. It would be lovely to meet your parents and family," I said supportively. I looked at Danny and he smiled.

Later that day I found myself sitting with Danny searching for a good company that will help us locate Danny's parents. Danny went to check on Lily, while I continued the search. "Have you found anything?" he asked when he returned. "Actually, there is this one company that looks alright. It's got very good reviews, should we give it a go?" I asked as he sat next to me. He nodded, "Yeah, why not," he said. I entered his details in the computer, yet paused when it came to the name of his parents. "What are your parents' names, love?" I asked him. He smiled, "Vanessa and James," he said. I smiled at him before continuing with the form. "There," I said, "all done."

Danny and I spent the evening playing games with Lily. Before too long, it was her bed time. "Lily, time for bed now," Danny said. She shook her head, "No, I don't want to go," she said grumpily. "Lily May, do as your daddy tells you please," I said to her sternly. I could see in her face that she was starting to tear up. "Lily, you aren't normally like this, you're usually very good for mummy and daddy, please go to bed," I said. she gave up on the act and followed Danny upstairs.

I packed away the games before checking my emails. When Danny came down, I showed him one from earlier that day. "So, they basically say they will hopefully find your parents within the week," I said. I looked to Danny who looked nervous. "Hey, don't worry about it, it'll be ok," I said walking over and wrapping my arms around him. "I'll be ok with you by my side," he said.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry I couldn't update, I was away on holiday and didn't have any internet connection. I will try and update as soon as I can.
Please comment and vote.

Erin :)

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