Chapter 36

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Thanks so much for reading. I haven't been feeling well these past few days and your comments are literally making me feel better. They brighten up my day and I cannot thank you guys enough for the support you have given me and are continuing to give me throughout this book. Thanks again and enjoy!

Chapter 36 Clara's POV

It was now Thursday and Lily hadn't been to school all week, and she wasn't going in today either. I let her wake up in her own time as we had ages until the hospital appointment. She woke up at 11, and we had to leave at 12. "Morning beautiful," I said as she came downstairs. "Morning mummy," she said. "How are you darling?" I asked giving her a hug. "Better. Can I go to school tomorrow?" she asked. I could tell she was missing it, and she had now gotten used to the fact that Danny wouldn't be here anymore. "We will have to see, but I expect so," I said and she smiled. "Would you like some breakfast?" I asked and she nodded. "What would you like?" I asked her. By the look on her face I could tell this was a hard decision for a four year old. She settled on cereal and I made it for her before going to get some clothes out for her to wear.

She came and got ready and j had just enough time to brush her hair before we had to leave. I strapped her into the car and we drove to the hospital. As we got out the car, Lily grabbed onto my hand. "Are you excited?" I asked her and she nodded. We walked to the receptionist and signed in before going and waiting to be called. "Clara Oswald-Pink," the nurse called. I smiled and stood up with Lily.

We walked over to the nurse, and I was getting nervous. "Hello," she said, "I understand that this is your first scan?" she asked. I nodded, "Yeah, first scan, first child," I confirmed. She smiled and lead us into a room. Lily sat on one of the chairs, and I sat on the edge of the bed. The nurse told me to lie down and raise my shirt slightly. I did as I was told and waited to see my baby on the screen. "And, there's your baby," the nurse said finally, pointing out my baby on the screen. I looked to Lily, "Can you see that?" I asked her. She came a bit closer but still shook her head. "Come round here," the nurse said then pointed out the baby to Lily. "Is it a girl? Or a boy?" she asked me. I smiled, "I don't know, you'll have to ask the nurse," I said. She looked to her and the nurse smiled back. "It's a girl," she said. "You're going to have a baby sister, Lils," I said with a smile.

Before we left, I asked for a picture of my daughter. We also found out I was about 2 months pregnant. I wasn't really starting to show, but if you looked hard enough, and for long enough, you would be able to notice something. Lily and I stopped off for some lunch before going home.

*Saturday evening*

It wasn't long before Michelle and Steve would be dropping the kids off for the night. I had just enough time to talk to Lily quickly. "Lily!" I called from the kitchen and she came running in from upstairs. "Lily, I don't want you to tell anyone about your baby sister yet, ok?" I asked her. I wanted people to know, but I would tell them in my own time. "Ok mummy. Can I go now?" she asked. I shook my head but smiled, "Of course darling," I said and she ran off upstairs again.

Not long after, the door bell rang. I walked over and saw Lily coming down the stairs too. I opened the door and Lily peered from behind my legs. "Hi Michelle, kids," I said with a smile. "Hey Clara, how are you?" she asked me. "I'm good thanks, and you?" I asked bringing Lily out from behind my legs. "Yeah, good thanks. Are you sure you're ok to look after them tonight?" She asked making me sigh. "Yes, of course, how many times have I said, we'll be fine," I said. Michelle passed Ella over to me and dumped their stuff in the hall way. "Bye Jakey, bye Ella" she said to them kissing them both. "See you guys tomorrow, bye Lily, Clara," she said and she was gone.

I left Lily and Jake to play in the playroom and I took Ella into the kitchen. I strapped her in her bouncer and finished my marking from earlier. I put the kids' dinner on before warming up Ella's food. "Lily, Jake, dinner's ready," I called and they came running. I sat them down on two chairs at the end of the table, and then started feeding Ella at the other end. I got them a yoghurt each and let them go and play for a bit longer while I put Ella to bed.

Ella was in my room, and Jake was in Lily's room. I got Ella changed for bed and rocked her off to sleep before placing her in the travel cot. I then went into the playroom to round up Lily and Jake. "Mummy? Do we have to go to bed?" Lily asked me when I told them it was bed time. "Yes, because otherwise you will be really tired and grumpy tomorrow," I said herding them out the room. They got changed, did their teeth and climbed into bed. "Sleep tight," I said before leaving the room and checking on Ella before going downstairs.


What did you think? I am nearly at 3k reads and I am so happy! Sorry this one was shorter than the others, I need to move the story on. Hope you enjoyed it.
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Erin :)

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